So I've had many excellent experiences with escorts over the last year. The variety, the fun, the exploration etc..
But the thing that is the worst I've experience is when communicating with someone new - the infrequency of replies, the lack of TCB, the poor communication etc.
So I'm thinking of doing SD/SB.
I'm not looking for someone to chat with all day long.
I'm not looking for someone to share my problems with.
I'm not looking for someone currently to have a vanilla relationship with.
Just want someone easy to book with.
someone easy to communicate with.
someone who will meet 1-2x a week.
someone who will explore with me.
Some may say just find yourself a good regular. My answer is I've TRIED.... One of my fav works 1-2 days a week. Same days consistently. But often will go 1-4 weeks without working - which is fine. But ZERO communication.....
So for the guys who have gone the SB/SD route - any benefits or cons I'm missing.
Should I just stay the escort route?