Respect to all American Hobbyists/Providers & Advice needed

I've been a member for 6 months or so. I am from Australia and i live in a country where this hobby is decriminalized. some states have it heavily regulated but in the state i live in has very little regulations and we pretty much are left alone to do whatever it is we do.

I have been reading alot of topics on eccie and researching on the American scene. I realized it's a whole different world when it comes to the scene over there. I pretty much knew it was illegal and stings are common based on shows like Cops etc but i never knew there was so much to learn about the american scene and how complicated everything is.

i want to say I respect you guys alot knowing how tough the scene is over there.

In the future, i do want to go on a 3 month vacation of america and work as a provider while vacationing however after reading everything i am now extremely scared of the scene in america and have my doubts that it is a good idea. So i have some questions.

Is violence/abuse common? do you guys actually get abusive clients? I've been working as a provider for 8 yrs in Australia and i have never had a violent or abusive client. Some might be a little rough when in the thrills of passion aka (porn style sex) but not to a point where i was physically hurt and we don't screen here.

I read many men won't see a new girl with no reviews. If i were to go to the states for a play work holiday. How do i start out and how do i get the trust from hobbyists that i am not a cop. Considering i would be new to the country with zero reviews and nobody to back me up that i am not some cop?

Any advice please would be good
pyramider's Avatar
The key is to screen. Then screen, and screen some more. No matter how much you screen a nutjob can pass thru.
I noticed your post concerning the do's and don'ts of the hobby in the US. Your main issue is to screen each and every person you see. Be a member here and also on P411 or Datecheck

you can also use

also spend time on the board and in the local city areas you plan to visit while in the US. Each city has an infoshare area where girls that work that particular area share info on guys or issues that affect them in that particular area. Only providers have access to that area.

You can also request access to the powder room

by sending an email request to

That is a provider only area and there is more info to help providers in there as well.
Have a complete Showcase with lots of pics before you journey over here. If you're hot, lots
of guys will see you regardless of no reviews, but...links to reviews would help. P411 is an excellent screening tool.

I'm thinking your accent would be a big turn-on, too.
joesmo888's Avatar
as a hobbyist I won't see someone unless I can do my homework on them first. i'm not gonna be the guinea pig.

but a lot of guys don't care and you can build up some references through them first and work your way up the ladder.
I agree with the others - screen. If you need help with this, please PM me.

Also, could some of your current clients review you on It is a site that is used across the USA. Once you get a couple in there, you should be good.

Generally each city has a local board. Try to find that board, post on there and get to know the ladies. They will be your best resource.
plainjoe's Avatar
Gigi is right, best to do your research on where you may want to visit. Each local area has a moderator (and ladies) that will assist you. Gigi is one of the good ladies that helps others in the St Louis area. As others have stated, screen, screen, screen. Ladies (and some moderators) will be able to inform you which region/areas are good, others that are not so good (or safe). Do your research, and if you can get verified status (such as on this board or others), it will make the screening, and planning easier. Recommend getting a cheap, throw away phone (from Walmart or other convenience stores with CASH). The security thread has some pretty good tips. Good luck and enjoy your visit to the states.
er48665's Avatar
Oh yeah please tour Dallas. We can play momma and poppa kangaroo.
Sydney, depending on your presentation, your modus operandi, and where you present yourself, none of those things have to be an issue.
Personally I think it is all about how a provider carries herself. If you do your research (and you`re doing that right now) and avoid common mistakes (like not screening or working from your home or handing out private information to clients - who might become stalkers later on) you`re fine. Especially if you`re independent. The only "bad" experiences I had in this hobby was when I was working for agencies, who don`t screen properly or who are greedy for money and lie to you
The best thing to do is go to a very discreet location (let's say Connecticut), get yourself a competent representative or "helper" that can guide you through the landscape of the American hobby scene and point you in the right direction (let's say me, for instance)....That way you won't feel so anxious and afraid and I....ummmm, I mean....your "helper" can protect you!! That ought to do it!!
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
The best thing to do is go to a very discreet location (let's say Connecticut), get yourself a competent representative or "helper" that can guide you through the landscape of the American hobby scene and point you in the right direction (let's say me, for instance)....That way you won't feel so anxious and afraid and I....ummmm, I mean....your "helper" can protect you!! That ought to do it!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Spoken like a macaroni
Love I do sympathise...I somewhat dread touring the States due to all the bullshit you have to go through with screening and worrying about a copper knocking at your door...Things are so much different, accepted, and straight forward in London. It's like night and day...All I can say is familiarise yourself with the US screening sites and get verified...Clients in the States tend to be far more needy as well so bare that in mind too...Good luck xxx
I would screen, screen and screen. Always screen a client before seeing them.