I don't like "right now" appointments but often, they're my bread and butter. That is one thing (there are more!) that Max and I have in common. I would much rather have a schedule, a calendar, that I could fill up (or not!) and depend on that being the schedule for the week.
That business model doesn't work for me. At all.
Now, I'm just happy when someone wishes to consider an appointment the next day. I LOVE that. However, you're right. Often, even THOSE guys cancel! (Had a 2 hour cancel on me this morning. Made the appointment yesterday, early evening. It was a compelling excuse but when he told me, frankly, I didn't believe it.)
I've had a LOT of men tell me that they only wish for an appointment "when they're in the mood," hence the last minute appointment thing.
Get your butt naked on my bed, give me about 20 seconds, and I'll get your happy ass in the mood.