Age limits

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  • GP
  • 01-22-2010, 12:02 PM
I have seen some ladies advertise only men over a certain age. I have also heard some say they have an upper age limit (ie: heart attacks). Would any of the ladies like to give some input on this subject?

I am curious
There was a topic just like this on ASPD on the Main Discussion and since I'm usually under the 'normal' cutoff I would like to hear their answer.

Some of the things highlighted before were:

1) Young guys fuck like jack rabbits and the ladies didn't like it
2) Older guys were more reliable and treated ladies with more respect than objects
3) Some ladies just preferred older guys in general and they were more likely to have more money and be repeat clients

I think there were more, but I'd like to hear some local ladies perspective since it fits me directly and I never heard the upper age limit.
4) MPOPS for a 22 year old is four in an hour. (-:
But the first pop is after a min
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-22-2010, 03:32 PM
The High School student carries one condom with him just in case he gets lucky.
The College student buys Condoms in a 7 pack, one for each day of the week
The Married man buys condoms in a 12 pack, one for each month
There is a Law of Physics that says, “The sum of your libido and your net worth is conserved.” In non-scientific terms, it states the cruel fact that, “When you were young and vibrant, you were broke and couldn’t afford anything. Now that you are older and financially better off, you’re carnally-challenged.”
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The High School student carries one condom with him just in case he gets lucky.
The College student buys Condoms in a 7 pack, one for each day of the week
The Married man buys condoms in a 12 pack, one for each month Originally Posted by cnym
And if to use with SO, may not have to buy more for 2 or more years.

first time I heard this joke was in 1977.
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 01-22-2010, 04:49 PM
And if to use with SO, may not have to buy more for 2 or more years. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I completely disagree OSD.
I did damn good with every SO before I married one.
Now she tells me it was for love not sex.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You got me. Note to self SO dos not have to be married.
SexyGabrielle's Avatar
Personally I don't like seeing younger guys. Not because of their sex drive, but because they start developing feelings for you if you see them multiple times. I have had this happen to me on multiple occasions, and the end result is never good! I do however love my older men. They know how to treat a lady and they also know the unwritten rules of the game.
Personally I don't like seeing younger guys. ..because they start developing feelings for you if you see them multiple times. I have had this happen to me on multiple occasions, and the end result is never good! I do however love my older men. They know how to treat a lady and they also know the unwritten rules of the game. Originally Posted by SexyGabrielle
Its not just the younger guys. Old foolish newbs to the hobby carry the same risk. I know it happened to me before a wise woman shook me firmly.

This hobby is like anything. There's a lot to learn.
I do however love my older men. They know how to treat a lady and they also know the unwritten rules of the game. Originally Posted by SexyGabrielle
Gabrielle, this old man thanks you.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I have seen gentlemen from 22 to 82. The old adage is that time improves a fine wine, but the tangy taste of a young brew can be fun, too.

I've found that it is the man who's important, not the years behind him. I've had wonderful experiences with fellows of all ages, and by the same token, bad experiences with representatives of all ages. It is true, however, that the "mature" fellows are more generous and tend to book longer sessions, and are more concerned about quality than quantity. Lovely for me, as I hate watching a clock and keeping a scorecard.
  • Aguy
  • 01-24-2010, 09:41 AM

I've found that it is the man who's important, not the years behind him. I've had wonderful experiences with fellows of all ages, and by the same token, bad experiences with representatives of all ages. It is true, however, that the "mature" fellows are more generous and tend to book longer sessions, and are more concerned about quality than quantity. Lovely for me, as I hate watching a clock and keeping a scorecard.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I'm curious what makes for a bad experience for a provider. I know things like attempted assault is a no brainer, but what other things are there.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-24-2010, 09:51 AM
Please do not hijack threads. Start new ones.