2016 ECCIE Awards/Social Event

DocHolyday's Avatar

We are trying to move forward with the 2016 South Texas ECCIE Awards Ceremony /Social. To date, I have received very little response from our membership interested in attending. I have received NO interest from any of the ladies. We want to have a successful and festive event for the members however, we need your participation. A distinguished staff member has graciously agreed to present the awards.

At this point, we DO NOT HAVE THE INTEREST NECESSARY TO HOST THIS EVENT. If you are interested in attending or assisting with this project, PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA PM ASAP.!!! Let's get the South Texas Board rocking again and do this ladies and gentlemen!!!

I look forward from hearing from all of you.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Interest is beginning to pick up but I still need to hear from the ladies. This would be a great opportunity to meet some of the members and expand your business interests. How about it ladies???
hanniballector1970's Avatar
Come on ladies!!!! Here is a chance to EXPAND your business opportunities. To meet others and show some interest.
nedsum121's Avatar
Good luck guys... In RGV you only have 2 full time Eccie providers(Andrea and Yessica). The rest have moved on to CC or San Antonio and just travel to RGV maybe 2 or 3 days a month or are agency girls... Maybe in CC you can pull it off but McAllen cant...unless you get our agencies involved...
I would probably be interested in attending depending on time, place, and my availability.
As for the Ladies... I suggest you contact them individually to encourage them to attend. Also, maybe the "invisible" managers/pimps can encourage their girls to attend.
texguy35's Avatar
When and where will this b held ?
vanessa956's Avatar
Lol, I'll attend. This is hilarious! ��
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...so far....

down4fun's Avatar
if its in the RGV I am in
vrgontx's Avatar
Hey down is it because you cant come on this side of the check point??Lol. Just joking
down4fun's Avatar
The funny part is that I was not born in the US. But I doubt they will look twice at me ; )
Sounds like It could be fun, so count me in ��
Sasha361's Avatar
I'll come !
moneytalksny's Avatar
Of course it depends on timing for some of our less flexible hobbyist . I'm in and may bring a UTR or two. It would be nice to have some of our nominees there as well.

Andrea, I'm sure you can pull together a few additional participants. Where's my man Scrap? Lifer?

Eva, gonna play? If you do I'm sure Need is in .

  • 02-14-2017, 05:22 AM
Count me as a game time decision since experience says these things never actually come together...