Broke People in America

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The article starts out with this:

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Further proof the country is going to hell under liberalism.

All the Republican party needs to do to defeat the Democrats, even in the face of demographic trends against them in the changing population, is to abandon policies that favor the rich assholes in favor of low status working class people. Half the rich actually vote for and contribute to Democrats anyway.
billw1032's Avatar
All the Republican party needs to do to defeat the Democrats, even in the face of demographic trends against them in the changing population, is to abandon policies that favor the rich assholes in favor of low status working class people. Half the rich actually vote for and contribute to Democrats anyway. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
All the Republican party should have to do to defeat the Democrats is for the members of the Republican leadership to get a clue. So far as I can see, none of them has one.
All change
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
The article starts out with this:

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Further proof the country is going to hell under liberalism.

All the Republican party needs to do to defeat the Democrats, even in the face of demographic trends against them in the changing population, is to abandon policies that favor the rich assholes in favor of low status working class people. Half the rich actually vote for and contribute to Democrats anyway.
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If the Republicans would abandon the special interests (Jesus, Guns, War, Oil) and get back to the core principles of conservatism, I think they would pull in a huge portion of the moderate middle, including me. But they won't. They will continue to run idiots who pander to the fringe members and don't comprehend what true conservatism is, so Hillary and Bill will walk away with the next election. You know it's going to happen. Obama didn't win his second term – Republican special interests and dummy candidates handed it to him on a silver platter.

I could see myself voting for a get-things-done kind of guy like Chris Christie or maybe even a bi-partisan patriot like John Huntsman. I would never support the likes of Cruz, Paul, Bachmann, Palin, Santorum, Perry, Cain, etc..
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
The article starts out with this:

Further proof the country is going to hell under liberalism.

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Even though it isn't enough, I'll take Obama's +150,000 jobs per month over GWB's -1,000,000 jobs per month. I'll take Obama's all time highs for the stock markets over the second biggest crash in America's history at the end of GWB's term. I'll take the current housing boom in Texas under Obama's watch over the suburban foreclosure farms at the end of GWB's term. I'll take a healthy US auto industry under Obama that is and will generate profit for taxpayers over Romney's "let it fail" plan. There are still lots of issues with our economy, but it defies credibility to not recognize how bad things were when GWB left office and how much better things are now. Imagine how much better things could be if the Republicans were cooperating for the good of the country instead of acting like political 5-year-olds.

If Republicans ever want to get elected again, they/we need to table new ideas. It's not good enough to campaign against Democratic policies if you don't have better ideas that are clear and easy to understand.

"Self deportation" is a stupid idea, not a good idea. Attacking the largest growing new demographic with racist vitriol is not a good get-elected strategy.

Paul Ryan's budget plan is an indication that Republicans aren't ready to govern again. It is all about gutting middle class infrastructure to protect his military backers.

C'mon Republicans, competition is good. You need to step up and smarten up your game so that we can all benefit from a higher class of competition.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

"Self deportation" is a stupid idea, not a good idea. Attacking the largest growing new demographic with racist vitriol is not a good get-elected strategy. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
More like a locked in vote for the other side. Why support immigration of people who will not vote for you?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
If the Republicans would abandon the special interests (Jesus, Guns, War, Oil) and get back to the core principles of conservatism, I think they would pull in a huge portion of the moderate middle, including me. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Jesus, guns, war, and oil.

So if we disarm our people, force our people to become muslim or athiests or any other religion except christian, stand by and watch and do nothing when other groups kill us and or make plans on killing us or our allies, and stay relient on those same people who are killing us and our allies for our energy needs when we can be self sufficiant, than we will be getting back to our core principals and this will be a much better country.

That sounds like a great idea. Where do we sign up?
You guys need to find a new website. There are thousands out there where you can spew political bullshit and others will be happy to read it.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Give me more obama....

I mean, hell ya, look what he's done for me:

My paycheck is smaller since payroll taxes went back up
My insurance premiums have gone up in anticipation of the full obamacare
I get to imbed personal messages to him in my emails since NSA monitors them

He really wants my guns. Bet he hasn't the balls to come get them himself.

Enough people broke our laws that instead of enforcing the laws, we grant amnesty. Pander to that growing segment of our voting population.

Let the 5 year olds argue with that! Lol
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You guys need to find a new website. There are thousands out there where you can spew political bullshit and others will be happy to read it. Originally Posted by slowmover
The Sandbox-Dallas

The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk and a wide variety of other threads can be found here. If its NOT hobby-related, then you're in the right place!

I didn't know it was off limits?
I shudder to think what would have happened if GWB had two more years on his term.
Here's hoping Rick Perry emerges as the GOP candidate. The Dems could put up Mickey Mouse and still win.
I agree with slowmover about there being better places to let the politicos fight out why their party is the one that can provide the ultimate nirvana for society (neither party can) but the sandbox is a playground for almost anything.

That being said, I will have to say that the ability of both political parties in this country to claim the other is beholden to special interests when in fact both parties are and then get their devout followers to buy into that "we are better than the other" party bullshit is pretty amazing.

PT Barnum would be very proud of both political parties for continuing to prove the "a sucker is born every minute" theorem. If you take off the political blinders, look around you, look at DC and the useless distractive antics there, and just be honest with yourself for just a moment, you'd have to admit that neither party really cares about or represents you anymore.

And no I'm not a teabagger type. In the military, we felt the result of the craziness of both parties and now sitting outside of it, I see them for exactly what they have become. We (our nation) is becoming more divided and split into opposing interest/racial/social cause led groups whether by accident or design. Either way, it's a direct path for the eventual suicide of our collective republic (so much for the melting pot).

Now, onto more important matters!!! Finding a provider for an hour who will wear yoga pants or something similar to let me slowly peel them off of her and take a trip into the nirvana of wet and explosive datyland...
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Jesus, guns, war, and oil.

So if we disarm our people, force our people to become muslim or athiests or any other religion except christian, stand by and watch and do nothing when other groups kill us and or make plans on killing us or our allies, and stay relient on those same people who are killing us and our allies for our energy needs when we can be self sufficiant, than we will be getting back to our core principals and this will be a much better country.

That sounds like a great idea. Where do we sign up? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Wow, you have quite an imagination.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Wow, you have quite an imagination. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
i was thinking a lack of one. on the other hand...not a day goes by i don't feel im being forced to be a muslim or an atheist. but i am an atheist...but i wasn't forced.

organized religion is the root cause of most of the world's troubles. and greedy corporations.
Jazzplayer's Avatar
Been to London lately? We're on our way... I'm looking forward to seeing the nextRepublican candidate for you think they wil roll him out in a wheelchair? I mean they are so in tune with what this country really needs....oh, and Praise God.. They don't have asnoball chance in hell of winning the next election.