AWESOME, Most overused word in English language

I am so tired of reading and hearing that everything is "awesome." The word is used so damned much that it has lost its true meaning. The way most folks, especially younger ones use the word, it simply means average.
It's truly awesome that you've come to this conclusion.

Btw. In the UK the overused word is "brilliant" for essentially the same reason.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Btw. In the UK the overused word is "brilliant" for essentially the same reason. Originally Posted by SD2011
I thought the UK used "wicked" for the same reason.... or is that word already old?
How about the word "Sorry" in the English Language. I get a lot of those!
I thought the UK used "wicked" for the same reason.... or is that word already old? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Depends on where you are in the UK.

I think "epic" gets overused. Not everything can be epic, if that were the case, then nothing is epic, lol.
Awesome thread...keep up the awesomeness
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I am so tired of reading and hearing that everything is "awesome." The word is used so damned much that it has lost its true meaning. The way most folks, especially younger ones use the word, it simply means average. Originally Posted by Abraham
For a similar reason, I do not use the word "courtesan" to describe myself. The word has been so overused and bastardized that it's lost it's meaning.

Not everyone can be a "classy courtesan", which why anyone would use those two words together is beyond me or even use the word "classy" to describe themselves anyway. Sorry for the clumsy word structure of that last sentence but you get the drift.

Nice topic.

Personally, I thought it was "simply brilliant", Mate!
  • hd
  • 08-15-2013, 08:38 AM
Awesome post....................dude
Boltfan's Avatar
Wicked is still used in Boston.

Knarly is preferred