Is there any chance...

Big Stig's Avatar
...that this one is legitimate? She responded to my text message, but is pretty slow to communicate. Wondering...
The pictures show up on Tineye, so I'm going to say no.
bambino's Avatar
I always wanted to go to Australia.
Big Stig's Avatar
Okay, okay! I was being lazy. Sheesh! I figured it was too good to be true, but I did get a few lucid responses to my texts. Not the typical canned robot responses. One can hope, can't one?
berryberry's Avatar
Okay, okay! I was being lazy. Sheesh! I figured it was too good to be true, but I did get a few lucid responses to my texts. Not the typical canned robot responses. One can hope, can't one? Originally Posted by Big Stig
In the Pittsburgh market, hope is all there is. That or some hot visitors making there way to town. Because the local cupboard is bare