
Why is it I can't seem to get a review. I try to provide good service and have been promised a good review by several. So girls what do you do to get these guys to actually write the review.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Unfortunately, reviews aren't mandatory even if the guy says he's going to post one.
It happens quite a bit. Maybe offer a review discount, which means that the guys SHOULD post a review if they take the discount. But I've had some that have taken that discount yet still haven't written the review. I've said something jokingly if I've seen the guy again, or just forgotten it altogether.
It could be that your BFE clients just don't want to advertise your excellent talents in a review and then have to share you. Or it could simply be that if SL finds out about you, he could ruin you for the rest of us with a Slamdango...


Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-23-2014, 07:44 PM
Agree about the "review special". If I've accepted one, I've always written a review. Remind the guys before the session starts and after its over that they agreed to write a review. If they don't, refuse to see them again.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah thincks thet mebbe they look inta them ice-blue eye o' yourn an' thar brains git all scramble-knockerd 'round an' all tha blood stays down thar perckers an' it makes it im-posse-bull fer them ta have enuff blood lef' o'er ta run thar fingers on a keyboard.
I would do a discount for review with well verified gents, usually there pretty good at keeping there word. By the way you have a rocken body
AtxTexMex's Avatar
the issue is, she has done review specials. Guys just got the special and never followed up.
But the reality is, she has at least one review, it just needs to be associated with her account.
pyramider's Avatar
If you do a review discount/special. apply the discount to the next session after the review has been posted. Two pluses, you get the review and another appointment.
Bob McV's Avatar
If you do a review discount/special. apply the discount to the next session after the review has been posted. Two pluses, you get the review and another appointment. Originally Posted by pyramider
I always felt this was the smarter move if you actually want the review. I suspect a lot of ladies have "review specials" because to them that souls better than "business is slow " sale. Personally I don't write up reviews unless I have something to add "yup, she was just as good to me as the last 100 guys that left a review" doesn't add anything IMO. If I had a bad experience, or what appears out of the norm experience I'll write a review. Say a very sensual time with what most wold call a total PSE or vice versa. That said if asked (or if I took a review special) I'll leave a honest review of my experience.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-25-2014, 10:26 AM
One u offer a "discount on next session with a review" you are most certainly reducing the number of scheduling. "Johns" usually don't plan follow up visits with someone before they have a "First" visit.

Most girls do a "review special" with a reduced rate to 1). Drum up business. 2). Get some positive press.

Good luck in whatever u decide.
Bob McV's Avatar
One u offer a "discount on next session with a review" you are most certainly reducing the number of scheduling. "Johns" usually don't plan follow up visits with someone before they have a "First" visit.

Most girls do a "review special" with a reduced rate to 1). Drum up business. 2). Get some positive press.

Good luck in whatever u decide. Originally Posted by Toyz
you make a good point. I wonder if a better sales tact would be to not advertise a review rate, and close a session with " if you really did have a great time, leave a review and next time I'll knock off XX". That does nothing to help get them in the door, but I think it would go a long way to getting a repeat customer.
pyramider's Avatar
One u offer a "discount on next session with a review" you are most certainly reducing the number of scheduling. "Johns" usually don't plan follow up visits with someone before they have a "First" visit.

Most girls do a "review special" with a reduced rate to 1). Drum up business. 2). Get some positive press.

Good luck in whatever u decide. Originally Posted by Toyz
The only problem with a reduced rate review special is what about when the fucktard does not write the review? At that point, the fucktard basically stole some time from the lady. I would wager less than half of the review special session result in a review. That is a shame and not fair for the lady.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I've offered review specials and have had a couple of gents that took advantage of that and then didn't write the review. Chalk up to experience. I still offer a review discount; I just don't advertise it. Most gentleman want to save the money now not later as he may want to play with other ladies so I don't know if offering review special for next time would work. I've never done that strategy. Good luck sweetie. Hope this drums them up for ya.
Better idea to provide a BNG for free after a reviewed session?
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
Glad this came up. Wish I knew the answer....and yet still confuses me I offer review special all the time and I am still waiting on some that I've seen months ago. Or a gent will want the special and he hasn't even given a review lol no thanks. But they're quick to jump on the special.
I just Want to know why it is so hard to keep their end of the deal when we kept ours.
And denying a second session is fine with them bc 9 times out of 10 they don't care,they already got what they wanted and are moving on to the next.
NOW to the gents who keep the promise thank you!!
But girl,don't get down, it is slow right now for everyone.