Current pricing?

I've been laying low, but time to get back out. I haven't reviewed for a while, so no ROS access. What are current AMP prices for half hour full service? Used to be $220 ($80+$140). That still right?
txman123's Avatar
Traveler, half hour house fee 35-50. FS varies, bbfs, bbbj, etc. You'll get all kinds of lies, look who your asking ... a bunch of horny mongers. To me, FS is minimum $180, most times in the $200-$225 range. Depends a bit in the house fee. These ladies have to make a living and I enjoy helping them make that living. I don't see them as just a hole to cum in.
I've been laying low, but time to get back out. I haven't reviewed for a while, so no ROS access. What are current AMP prices for half hour full service? Used to be $220 ($80+$140). That still right? Originally Posted by TravelerX
Half hour is around 160-180
Hour about 200-250
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Traveler, half hour house fee 35-50. FS varies, bbfs, bbbj, etc. You'll get all kinds of lies, look who your asking ... a bunch of horny mongers. To me, FS is minimum $180, most times in the $200-$225 range. Depends a bit in the house fee. These ladies have to make a living and I enjoy helping them make that living. I don't see them as just a hole to cum in. Originally Posted by txman123
35 for a hhr house fee? LMAO! That's probably one of those lies that you're talking about.🤣😂
Seems like prices have actually come down a bit?...
My buddy said that he got some bbL3 action in the garland/mesquite area the other day, for a rather discounted price, 2 ben’s and a jack total including the house, older woman, maybe the shop owner, he said… but well worth it all things considering. He said, Sometime's you just get lucky and the cost is heavily reduced or non existing for some.
These ladies have to make a living and I enjoy helping them make that living. I don't see them as just a hole to cum in. Originally Posted by txman123
Please grow a pair and maybe a spine while you're at it. You don't cut street walkers any slack but for some reason chinese middle aged women and grannies are put on a pedestal?
You should travel to some of these countries and understand the culture and how cut throat these women are, I know not all of them but majority. So get off your high horse and face the facts....they are what they are and that's why they do what they do!
TommyJay's Avatar
Truth- I think Cum Dumpster is the word you were looking for.
portcity222003's Avatar
House Fees hhr 40-55 . hr 60-80. Activities L1. 50-70, L2. 70-100, L3/BOOMBOOM 120-180. If you pay more your not helping them make a living. you putting them out of business
TommyJay's Avatar
House Fees hhr 40-55 . hr 60-80. Activities L1. 50-70, L2. 70-100, L3/BOOMBOOM 120-180. If you pay more your not helping them make a living. you putting them out of business Originally Posted by portcity222003
TommyJay's Avatar
House Fees hhr 40-55 . hr 60-80. Activities L1. 50-70, L2. 70-100, L3/BOOMBOOM 120-180. If you pay more your not helping them make a living. you putting them out of business Originally Posted by portcity222003
Accurate for my wallet.
txman123's Avatar
Please grow a pair and maybe a spine while you're at it. You don't cut street walkers any slack but for some reason chinese middle aged women and grannies are put on a pedestal?
You should travel to some of these countries and understand the culture and how cut throat these women are, I know not all of them but majority. So get off your high horse and face the facts....they are what they are and that's why they do what they do! Originally Posted by TruthSayer


Nice alter ego for user on a board with a bunch of liars and half-truthers.
"Please grow a pair and maybe a spine while you're at it." - sounds like a keyboard cowboy that's upset and looking for a fight.
"You don't cut street walkers any slack" - didn't say a thing about our SWs.
"get off your high horse and face the facts" - careful, my high horse might step on your size 7.5 cowgirl boots.
"face the facts....they are what they are and that's why they do what they do" - know the facts, accept and respect most of the ladies.

Nice alter ego for user on a board with a bunch of liars and half-truthers.
"Please grow a pair and maybe a spine while you're at it." - sounds like a keyboard cowboy that's upset and looking for a fight.
"You don't cut street walkers any slack" - didn't say a thing about our SWs.
"get off your high horse and face the facts" - careful, my high horse might step on your size 7.5 cowgirl boots.
"face the facts....they are what they are and that's why they do what they do" - know the facts, accept and respect most of the ladies. Originally Posted by txman123
I call it as it is, no sugarcoating. Online fights? Nope, I have no time and there's no tangible outcome for me and the effort.

What I can't stand is weak dick driven lying men. There's nothing worse than a weak man in society. They will betray, sellout their own family, and overpay for a piece of ass that someone else is probably rawdogging and paying less for in silence.

Go get em' tiger!