Looking for Info

daddylonglegs's Avatar
Coming to Vegas in the beginning of May. ISO an AMP that provides lineups and has TS. I’m used to Dallas AMPs where the massages are as good as the extra curricular activities. Any suggestions? Any specific places I can go to make my short visit a memorable one?
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 04-23-2019, 03:26 PM
Don't bother. the tips they want will be double or more what you paid in Dallas and the service will be severely lacking.
daddylonglegs's Avatar
Thank u for the info. Exactly what i needed to know. Guess I gotta look for other fun.
Dream spa gives a really good massage, I mean really good. Ive only got HJ finishes but I never asked for more than that. never cost more than about $