New hundred dollar bills tomorrow

  • annoe
  • 10-07-2013, 11:46 AM
The new hundred dollar bill design is going to be officially released tomorrow. This offers bad guys a new way to try and pass fake money off to ladies ("no its real I swear it's just the new design"). It will probably cause other misunderstandings as well. I remember the first time I tried to use a new twenty when it came out and had trouble convincing the cashier it was real money. I imagine that situation with a provider would be potentially more dramatic.
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... I imagine that situation with a provider would be potentially more dramatic. Originally Posted by annoe
My guess is that most sex workers who are worth their salt, and operates on a cash basis, are going to know their c-notes (new and otherwise).

I do wonder why the people who designed this new bill were so determined to make it look so damn ugly. Wouldn't it have been just as challenging to create something that was attractive, you know, like the Walking Liberty coin?
Heck, I'm seeing guys push gift cards in ISO and gals going for it. To me GC's are far too scam prone.

I'm guessing most of the ladies won't even blink about taking the new 100 bill.