Reviews, Don't Believe Everything You Read

dodger's Avatar
(Pulling out soap box from under the bed, climbing up on to soap box)

The thread in the Alert section started me thinking about this. Apparently there are guys who contact providers, or, worse, ladies posting in the Welcome Wagon, claiming that his reviews wield tremendous influence. Can make or break the provider. Really? Apparently some guys come on requesting discounts or freebies with promises of a great review leading to untold riches.

(remembering Control Freak, Wild Stallion and maybe others on ASPD. Their promises of stellar reviews with systematic bumps to assure ladies of FOTM status)

Ladies ... when this happens ... but polite but don't buy in to this. No single review has that much meaning. Being reliable and joyful (if you can) has meaning, over time.

Guys .. don't believe everything you read. Here are some personal observations about reviews.

a) A guy will write a review to get/maintain Premium Access, even if he has not seen the lady. He will just essentially cut an paste someone else's review. Not particularly harmful if the original review is accurate but not very helpful.

b) Some guys write inaccurate reviews. They may omit negative info because they don't want to offend the provider . Or they don't want to look silly, themselves. Some guys write claiming to have received services which the provider doesn't offer. Seems to happen a lot. Why they lie .. I have no idea. But there is a possibility that the PSE experience with all the anal play ... never happened.

c) Sometimes a provider just is super horny, or super clicks with a guy, or she is drilled, or hormones are raging .. or ... or ... or .. Any single review, good or bad, may not be accurate or appropriate for your experience with the lady.

Reviews are the life blood of the board. They are key to determining who I will book. But I don't care about any one review. Even a bad one (For some reason, one negative review weighs as much as ten positive reviews ... that's bad math) Don't stint on your research ... on eccie an other boards.

When you contact a provider about a session ... describe yourself accurately. Don't ask the provider about their services (especially if this is you first contact and they don't know you from Adam or LE) ... tell them about what makes a good session for you ... then ask, "do you think we would have a good session?" (btw .. you might ask first, then send the description of a good session ... with the provider's permission)

This is all about having a great time .. given that WALTD. So, reviews can clue us in on who we may want to be with, next.

Ladies ... be polite but don't be intimidated by a claim that "my review influences dozens upon dozens of cash rich hobby guys". Yes, you do need good reviews, especially when starting out. But most hobby guys understand that such reviews benefit everyone. Don't be unduly influenced by a guy claiming to be the review god.

Gentleman ... dont' believe everything you read. Even if someone like Surge writes it. It doesn't mean you can expect the same experience. Keep reading reviews until you have a balanced view of what a provider is like; looks, performance, services, attitude, etc ... cannot be divined from one or two reviews.

Best guarantee of a great session, be a gentleman. Don't remember which provider posted it but "If you want to be treated like a King, treat me like a Queen!"

(Placing soap box back under the bed, until next time)
Good advice Dodger, that's pretty much what I've done all along. P411 is great for describing yourself to the ladies.
Also, if you are a newbie (2 month member here) with no reviews, don't PM me about a certain Provider's "Tastes & Likes"...if you don't get it from my review, get it from someone else's review. Takes a little time to earn some trust.
CenterLock's Avatar
Like a lot of the "advice" available, I'm sure the ones that should take it won't - male or female. The "lure" of quick money on one side and the "conquest" of the new on the other make for shortsightedness and irrationality.

But who am I? My "to-do" list ain't shrinkin' with the established ladies so I only pop into the WW every few weeks to say "Welcome" and the ones posting elsewhere know I'm "Just a guy" - nothing "career making" in that.
The ladies tell me reviews do matter. I guess besides the adds that is what we are here for. I do read the reviews of laddies I am interested and in fact I have added or taken a few off the list but not because of a single review but an emerging pattern.

It strikes me as odd that another client would be influenced by my reviews, I usually start the review with "I met here at a social awhile back", meaning that at my stage in life I don't need drama and I have to be careful with what Charlie calls "hooker bucks", so I really haven't had a bad session in the hobby. I try to give and accurate description of the lady and make a special effort to capture her personalty. I also try to give a realistic description of the BCD activities especially if there is something she doesn't like. For instance CIM is fun for me but two of my ATFs don't like it so I make sure that is in the review, not a negative for me just information.
  • hd
  • 02-07-2011, 02:40 PM
Agree on the above, I've started to add YMMV involving any activities that I've indulged in. When I know a provider offers services that I've not injoyed, I'll leave that out too.

I had one experience seeing a provider based on some reviews, it was less than worth writing about, but after I did, I rec'd comments from others that agreed with my review, and it wasn't a bad review, just told it like it was.

Unfortunate that some will take advantage of this forum just to keep themselves in good standing?
CoHorn's Avatar
Gentleman ... dont' believe everything you read. Even if someone like Surge writes it. It doesn't mean you can expect the same experience. Originally Posted by dodger
Especially when I look like a troll compared to Surge.

I do check on the reviews before I see a provider. I'm not going to see anybody if I have no information on her. Reviews are very important to me. I will go to her P411, her website, and send her a PM through here or on P411. I want to know that we will get along before I see her. Like another thread that was just started, I enjoy the conversation as much as anything else.

When I write a review, I may leave certain things out if they aren't
available to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. I will be honest in what I write, but some things are just between me and the lady.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 02-07-2011, 05:05 PM
...after some time, you can see some similar interestes and types of gals that both you enjoy, and that a couple of other hobbyists share...if you can find a couple of "dependable" hobbyists, then it becomes slightly easier to blaze a trail....

Also works in reverse...One must look at many reviews by a fellow hobbyist to get a feel for his likes and dislikes....

And, finally...there is NO WAY around the YMMV BOTH ways, AND is near IMPOSSIBLE to quantify.....

Thank you for bringing this up! I know for a fact that there are occasionally details in a review that aren't exactly accurate. In the past, I mentioned it to the author and of course, there was no correction. (These details are readable to anyone and not ROS. Well, they might be ROS, I don't know about that.) This site is a fantasy, I know but come on.

When you book with someone, remember that there is usually some creative license taken by the reviewer and perceptions can vary so assume that YMMV is always the case.

While most providers don't mind if they are painted to be more than they are, some prefer a more accurate picture. We providers don't have any input on our reviews so what's a girl to do?
...after some time, you can see some similar interestes and types of gals that both you enjoy, and that a couple of other hobbyists share...if you can find a couple of "dependable" hobbyists, then it becomes slightly easier to blaze a trail....

Also works in reverse...One must look at many reviews by a fellow hobbyist to get a feel for his likes and dislikes....

And, finally...there is NO WAY around the YMMV BOTH ways, AND is near IMPOSSIBLE to quantify.....

Lanny Originally Posted by Lanny
Very well said Lanny. I like what you said best about ymmv.
I ALWAYS ask a lady for permission to review her with the exception of a NCNS or something really bad (never had anything happen really bad).

I give this thread two thumbs up. :-)

Thank you posting for posting this.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 02-07-2011, 09:53 PM
When I read a review mentioning the provider brought out the client's inner porn star, it may not be totally accurate?
pmdelites's Avatar
i like what they call them in the kc forums - dreams!!!

i've never told a woman, new or vet, that i'd do a review in exchange for something.
i've never told a woman, new or vet, that if she didnt do something for me, i'd write a negative review.
i've never told a woman, new or vet, that if she did do something for me, i'd write a glowing review.

i have asked women if i could post a review on them. most say OK.
i have had women ask me if i could post a review on them. most of the times i do [not always timely cos i'm lazy]
and i've written reviews w/out asking them at all.

sometimes i send the review before hand to see if there is anything she'd rather not have revealed.
sometimes i just post the review without asking her anything.
sometimes i post the review and send her a copy afterwards.

sometimes my reviews are pretty darn near 100% accurate.
sometimes my reviews are a dream [either cos i couldnt remember or i want to embellish].

so, all reviews MUST be taken w/ grains of salt!!
and any guy who holds a review over a woman in exchange for something is, imo, a real jerk.

so, women - always be on guard against jerks, asshats, connivers, scammers, unsavories, etc. your safety is paramount!!!!!

sometimes my reviews are pretty darn near 100% accurate.
sometimes my reviews are a dream [either cos i couldnt remember or i want to embellish]. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Careful with the "embellish" comments...I know I am, lol.
I do read the reviews of laddies I am interested Originally Posted by LuckJack
Hmmmm.... Say that out loud with a Scottish accent...