Gifts for the ladies

texasmarine's Avatar
If I was going to bring a lady a gift, how discrete does it have to be or does it have to be discrete at all. I noticed on one website, a lady was asking for a 32" flat screen tv. I can't exactly put that in my backpocket. I'm not bashing her for asking for it, I'm just curious about the protocol for gifts. Are they in the same category as the envelope, just set it and forget it? Do you ladies prefer discrete gifts that can fit inside an envelope such as a gift card or do you mind if a guy walks in with a basket of gifts? I was just curious because I see alot of different size/shape favorite gift ideas on everyones website.
CoHorn's Avatar
I just saw someone that likes books...I bought a gift card for Barnes and Noble. Best Buy and others have gift cards. If you want to go that big, let her pick it out on her own. She may be an electronics snob and only like one brand. I have brought things like wine, snacks, or flowers.
Wow, how sweet of y'all to not only consider giving gifts, but actually being concerned about how to go about it. Impressive!

I would say gift cards are the easiest and most discreet way of giving a gift, especially something large like a TV. With the advent of the "Vanilla Visa" and other similar "unbranded" cards, you don't even have to worry about whether the merchant accepts it.

Happy Gifting!
If I do a gift I will always look at there P411 page, Victoria Secret can never go wrong there or find a little gift shop that you can pick up something unique she might like and just don't hand it to her, I always go by Hallmark and pick up a card to slip gift card in.
A lot of us have "wish lists" or "gift lists" on our sites. I am guessing if it is on the list, hopefully we have thought about what it is going to look like coming to the door, then again I know I have my blonde moments!

I personally have no qualms about bottles of wine, boxes of chocolate, etc. The only thing that I really don't want a ton of is flowers, mostly because while I don't really care what the neighbors think of friends bringing gifts, I think for some reason maybe if I got flowers coming in from different men friends that might set the neighbors off wondering, "what the heck..." lol.

Wine that the lady likes, fine chololates, and consumables such as body wash/lotion sets and candles are all good. They can be used, and more importantly used up so as not to take up too much space in the incall. Victoria's Secret is another great gift idea. My sexy things do wear out and I can always use more. I do sometimes get non-consumables, and I think that the little trinkets, statues, etc bring charm to the decor. I have some really neat things, I think the most recent being a very nice and probably fairly expensive etched glass piece.

Hope that helps guys!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Funny that you brought this subject up in coed because we talked about it in chat just yesterday! I have a very sweet gentleman friend who asked me the other night what gifts to buy me! Struck me odd because I have never asked for anything, so I didn't know how to answer him! Yes, I have received books, flowers, and chocolate and they are much appreciated! But after getting advice from the other gentlemen in chat, they told me to make a wish list.........

Ok dammit, it's almost BBQ time.....I want a gas grill! LOL!
LMAO at Lana...BBQ grill! I wonder what THAT would look like coming to the door!

Bebe gift cards are always nice
Funny topic, I had a guy see what I wrote on p411 as gifts. Which is bud light for my drink and flower a sunflower. So he brought me a 40 in a brown paper bag and had a bag of sun flowers seeds. I have never laughed so hard. But I loved it.
CoHorn's Avatar
Funny topic, I had a guy see what I wrote on p411 as gifts. which is bud light for my drink and flower a sunflower. So he brought me a 40 in a brown paper bag and bad a bag of sun flowers seeds. I have never laughed so hard. But I loved it. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
That sounds so much like something I would do :-)
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Gifts are good as long as she likes what you're getting. I will usually call and ask what she likes. Then make a few suggestions on what I was going to buy. I started doing this after a lady didn't like the bottle of Patron I bought for her. I thought I was being thoughtful since I read she liked to drink margaritas. Not so much though when she opened it up.
Bluedrummer's Avatar
I've done a gift from Victoria's Secret or Fredrick's of Hollywood.. It's a win/win... The lady of your affection will enjoy your thought/preference in attire, and hopefully she'll wear the present... Then you now have a present to un-wrap!
...after a lady didn't like the bottle of Patron I bought for her. I thought I was being thoughtful since I read she liked to drink margaritas. Not so much though when she opened it up. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
I get so sad when I read or hear things like this! OMG! I NEVER EXPECT any gift at all and when a gentleman is so thoughtful and sweet as to bring one, I am VERY touched and thankful!

Courtesy is just lost most times any more! Poppy, if that had been me, that would have DEFINITELY been my last visit!

ALL the gifts that I have ever received have been great! Whether it's an article of clothing, flowers, wine, a greeting matter! Just the idea that someone took the time to be sweet to me is GREAT!

Don't get me wrong here...gentlemen that don't bring "gifts" are not under ANY pressure to do so! Gifts are NEVER EVER expected! I suppose that is why they are so appreciated!
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Just the fact that someone took the time and made the effort should be enough.Being considerate is something people seem to be losing now days.
I had somebody bring me my favorite perfume the other day.....I couldn't believe he actually took the time to read and learn what I liked. I was impressed! I will never forget him for that......well, and for the fact that he...nevermind lol
