Guest091314's Avatar
Hi everyone, I had a horrible night and need a little relief....and no i still do not have access to the powder room.

Maybe i have been living under a rock or living in my own geekdom that i have never heard of anyone familiar with it?

I had an incident last night where a gent wanted me to visit him at his location, he had prebooked and he had been previously screened by my previous assistant. Sadly i am re-screening anyone that she screened so it was taking a little longer.

Both ladies that were used as references were on a different site and i have never heard of either one. So i register for the site and get the references, please keep in mind at the time i have no idea about the credibility of the site.

Even though yesterday, technically he was all verified but my spidey senses were going nuts!!! so i was going to keep pressing till i felt secure enough to leave...then i forgot one important part of screening and ladies will be on key with me on this. I asked him to PM me from his handle on site. Well about after the first 20 min I am thinking "well, I guess he isnt going to or changed his mind." I waited but when it was time for the appt and i am still sitting by my computer and nothing in my inbox.

After about 10 mind after the set appt time, mind you i would still have to drive to Dallas. I preceded to dress down, mind you that i had my hair done and all dressed up with my little bag all ready to go. Then i get the email, after i go back to looking like betty crocker, by this time it is 8pm. To anyone who knows me knows that i do not like to go out or be out late. I try to explain to him that something did not seem right.

I felt very bad about it, the more i looked at the site this morning, it looks really good but at the time i was not aware of its entirety including the verifications system!!!! I feel like a complete idiot now.

If i could stay with p411 and eccie alone....I would.

If the gentleman mentioned about is reading this...I am very sorry, i sent an apology email also...

who is gonna spank me???!!!

I am trying to straighten everything out between my site, showcase and whatnot but i was so used to having the assistant....things will be back to normal soon...then i gotta wrap it around school and kids

steverino50's Avatar
you know what they say Alecia. If you want things done right do it yourself.....well, some things anyway

It is always better safe than sorry.
Phrodo's Avatar
Alecia, sounds like you did the best you could under the circumstances. But if you still feel you need a spanking, just let me know. I would be more than willing to place my hands on your cute butt.
Well honey you got to feel safe and comfortable. Don't beat yourself up too hard. You were just being extra be cautious.
Guest091314's Avatar
It really has nothing to do with beating myself up, he wrote a ncns review of me, even though one of our last emails said

me-I will stay at the house until i receive your confirmation

How is this considered a ncns?

I understand that he was already pre-screened, but i am re-screening everyone. I understand his frustrations but damn. A friend send me what he wrote and i was actually upset. Oh well i cant let it get the rest of the day down. Gotta keep on truckin and something else that rhymes with that.

Thank you...I needed it.
Hey Babe,
sorry you're feeling bad about it. You were totally reasonable.

In the future when people refer to a site you're not familiar with, go to P411 under "Provider Resources" and you can find a list of legitimate sites. (for example, is listed as a Midwest discussion and review site.)

It really has nothing to do with beating myself up, he wrote a ncns review of me, even though one of our last emails said

me-I will stay at the house until i receive your confirmation

How is this considered a ncns?

I understand that he was already pre-screened, but i am re-screening everyone. I understand his frustrations but damn. A friend send me what he wrote and i was actually upset. Oh well i cant let it get the rest of the day down. Gotta keep on truckin and something else that rhymes with that.

Thank you...I needed it. Originally Posted by alecia

Huh??? ROS???
I say if you never got the PM from him then you did the right thing. The only way to really be sure someone is who they say they are on any board is to get a PM from them. I think the guys (or some of the guys) do not understand how important this step is for our safety and that is why they blow off requests for a PM and think we are asking them to jump through too many hoops.

Better safe than sorry! Even though with the NCNS review it was obviously him, it wasn't obvious before the fact since you didn't exchange PMs to be 100% sure.

Chalk it up to experience and move on. Anyone reading this thread will understand and appreciate that you look out for your safety, because in essence your clients are only as safe as you are! The good guys understand this, and it will not hurt your biz in the long run.
mansfield's Avatar
I agree with those saying don't worry about it too much. Trust the Spidey Sense, always.
Bluedrummer's Avatar
Where does the line form to give you spankings? I'll be nice about them...
+1 always trust your Spiddy Senses.

Strike 1 outcall to a new client
Strike 2 references are providers you don't know or even have heard of
Strike 3 no PM

Just like baseball. Met you for a nano second at Fawn/Surge's social you seem much too nice and normal, so let it go and that is not a NCNS
CoHorn's Avatar
I'm with Jack on this one.
Guest091314's Avatar
It has been brought to my attention of bad wording on my part....

My friend did not send the ROS...i didnt think there would be one due to we didnt meet. He sent me a link to my email to check on me. He knows I would not ncns someone

Also just to catch ya up...I have spoken with the gent and we are now on good terms...

thanks for the advice ladies and gents.
mansfield's Avatar
Happy ending, my favorite thing
FishGuy13's Avatar
I'd have to first agree with Jack, ... then with mansfield ... then to dreaming about the day we get to meet F2F