Next Poker Game - March 2nd

Boltfan's Avatar
It's that time again, ladies and gentleman.

March 2nd is poker night in Big D. Food, drinks, poker, ladies and fun for all.

As requested by many last time I will be running a newbie/education table for all the ladies and gentleman that wish to learn the wonderful game of poker. I will be teaching Texas Hold'em as well as the basics of several other poker games.

We expect a big turnout just like last time so bring your poker faces and get ready for cards in the air at 8 PM.

Please PM me if you would like to attend. Gentleman, if you would like to attend please send your info through p411 to SweetKendall. While this is not an adult themed event we wish to keep out the riff raff and troublemakers so everyone can enjpoy themselves. Ladies, please send a PM to either Sweetkendall or I to be placed on the invite list. For those that have attended or been invited to previous events I will PM you again with information on the venue.

I look forward to seeing everyone again and thank you for supporting our exciting event.