It's time to boycott companies that sever ties with the NRA.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Two sides can play that game. Fedex made the right move...

Of course, boycotts can turn into a bit sticky wicket. Take this idiot for example...

"The NRA is supporting stuff that we don't get behind," said Jeni Britton Bauer, founder of Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams.

"UPS is out there," she said.

Little does she know...

Now, THIS is how you handle a boycott...

I've already wrote to every one of the companies i;ve used on that list (most of the rentals, and nornton), and told them i am ceasing doing business with them..
gfejunkie's Avatar
I've already wrote to every one of the companies i;ve used on that list (most of the rentals, and nornton), and told them i am ceasing doing business with them.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Good idea. We need more to do the same.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't really look at it like supporting the NRA. I look at it as resisting the Liberal Agenda bullying tactics of economic strangulation. All those in favor of the 2nd amendment should boycott any business that attempts to put economic pressure on the NRA, particularly if that tactic is based on some hair-brain notion that the NRA had anything to do with the Florida massacre.

Who would want to have a product or service provided by a company that was that stupid?
Two sides can play that game. Fedex made the right move...

Of course, boycotts can turn into a bit sticky wicket. Take this idiot for example...

"The NRA is supporting stuff that we don't get behind," said Jeni Britton Bauer, founder of Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams.

"UPS is out there," she said.

Little does she know...

Now, THIS is how you handle a boycott...

LMAO!!! BACKFIRE!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Glad to see those Georgia " good ole boys " not caving to the LYING LIBERALS and their knee jerk reactions !
And why is it ok for banks and corporations to refuse to do business with the NRA because they don't agree with them, but a cake baker can't refuse service to the swishy walkers and fudge packers ?
StandinStraight's Avatar
I've already wrote to every one of the companies i;ve used on that list (most of the rentals, and nornton), and told them i am ceasing doing business with them.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Let’s think about this. These companies severed ties with the NRA which is the mothership of deplorables. So now all the deplorables are boycotting these companies which means less deplorables in their stores, that means they will have less theft, violence, vulgarity and ignorance in their stores. I am guessing that your boycott is welcome by these stores and a bonanza for business in the long term. Please do stay away!
Let’s think about this. These companies severed ties with the NRA which is the mothership of deplorables. So now all the deplorables are boycotting these companies which means less deplorables in their stores, that means they will have less theft, violence, vulgarity and ignorance in their stores. I am guessing that your boycott is welcome by these stores and a bonanza for business in the long term. Please do stay away! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Thanks for showing, ONCE AGAIN, YOUR ineptitude in the field of economics Perfesser Peter Puffer. Think about what effect it would be on a business if the voters that backed Trump in the last election decided to quit doing business with those companies that caved to YOU lying liberals' hatred of the NRA.
And as for your sig line : The Party of Deplorables That supports and Condones Sexual Predators..." , mighty convenient how YOU and the rest of the LYING LIBERALS forget about YOUR heroes Slick Willy, Carlos Danger, Harvey Weinstein and the ex judge from Arkansas, Joeseph Boeckman !
And why is it ok for banks and corporations to refuse to do business with the NRA because they don't agree with them, but a cake baker can't refuse service to the swishy walkers and fudge packers ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Which is why i'd love to see the NRA hit back by SUING Those businesses refusing to do service (not just those who stopped the discounts), using the same argument the LGBTQ lobby did, that its discrimination.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-28-2018, 01:06 PM
I don't really look at it like supporting the NRA. I look at it as resisting the Liberal Agenda bullying tactics of economic strangulation. ? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let’s think about this. These companies severed ties with the NRA which is the mothership of deplorables. So now all the deplorables are boycotting these companies which means less deplorables in their stores, that means they will have less theft, violence, vulgarity and ignorance in their stores. I am guessing that your boycott is welcome by these stores and a bonanza for business in the long term. Please do stay away! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You're a gutless liar with nether brains or balls, Standing Stupid.

Americans Blame Government More Than Guns for Florida Massacre
in Politics

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Most Americans think government error is more responsible than a lack of gun control for the Valentine’s Day massacre at a Florida high school.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of American Adults believe the failure of government agencies to respond to numerous warning signs from the prospective killer is more to blame for the mass shooting. Thirty-three percent (33%) attribute the deaths more to a lack of adequate gun control. Eleven percent (11%) opt for something else. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among Americans who have children of elementary or secondary school age, 61% think the government is more to blame. Just 23% of these adults fault a lack of adequate gun control more.

(Rasmussen Reports)
You're a gutless liar with nether brains or balls, Standing Stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So the " Perfesser " is a lobotomized EUNUCH !! That explains a lot. Especially his disdain for women while spewing his BS on a hooker board !