the tricky way russia and other foreign interests rig our elections

there are over 100,000 illegals registered to vote in pennsylvania

talk about the rigging of our elections

if collusion with foreign interests attempting to rig elections was against the law, then Mueller should sic his attack dogs on all these dim state officials across the country
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  • 02-28-2018, 11:04 AM
there are over 100,000 illegals registered to vote in pennsylvania
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That is what they claim. Like the Muller investigation, let's see where the facts lead.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They giving them IDs in Chicago so that they can vote.

Dems aren’t interested at all in preventing foreign intervention in our elections.
That is what they claim. Like the Muller investigation, let's see where the facts lead. Originally Posted by WTF
The facts lead down a big bottomless pit. That's why nothing ever gets resolved.


Dems aren’t interested at all in preventing foreign intervention in our elections. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
very true, they only care about winning and/or illegally framing trump

we are expected to believe the fake umbrage of the globalism, no borders , sanctuary cities and states crowd concerning russian interference in our elections?

especially as the only collusion with russia was by hellary

come on, man
there are over 100,000 illegals registered to vote in pennsylvania

talk about the rigging of our elections

if collusion with foreign interests attempting to rig elections was against the law, then Mueller should sic his attack dogs on all these dim state officials across the country Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Maybe that's why all those states REFUSED TO cooperate with the Trump put together Investigation INTO voter fraud. CAUSE THEY KNEW they had hundreds of thousands of illegals registered!

That is what they claim. Like the Muller investigation, let's see where the facts lead.]

Kind of hard to get the facts WTF< when the GOVT IS Stalling, hiding or otherwise REFUSING TO cooperate with giving data out that the PICA group is trying to use to DO THAT investigation.
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  • 02-28-2018, 01:01 PM
Kind of hard to get the facts WTF< when the GOVT IS Stalling, hiding or otherwise REFUSING TO cooperate with giving data out that the PICA group is trying to use to DO THAT investigation.
[/I] Originally Posted by garhkal
Funny, the Senate and House panel are having trouble getting all the facts what with Trump's staff claiming executive privilege every time they turn around .
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Doing the same in California, registering them to vote at the DMV when they get their drivers license.
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  • 02-28-2018, 04:28 PM
Doing the same in California, registering them to vote at the DMV when they get their drivers license. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Cali is not a swing state like Pennsylvania....does not make a fuck what they do.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Ruskies didn't 'rig' any thing. They just lobbed in some disinformation to sow some KAOS. Frankly, they would have preferred old Hilda-bags. At least they could always find a price with that rat-f*ck.

There was some BS that they had hacked some vote machines, but that was not only BS, but turns out own own, benevolent (vomit) gubment did more probing that the Ruskies. The gubment claim was that some came from a Ruskie IP addr. Hack attack rule #1, don't use your own frick'n IP addr. Gheeze!
Doing the same in California, registering them to vote at the DMV when they get their drivers license. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Which is why i wish trump or sessions would tell these states "Since its obvious you don't care about following the laws, and let illegal aliens not only register to vote, but actually vote. WE WILL NO LONGER count any votes from your state.. FOR ANYTHING!