Take time to give thanks. . .

With the recent unpleasantness both here and in FL, there has been an explosion of attention to this aspect of the hobby in popular media.

Listening to the radio the other day, something occurred to me that I suppose I have known for a long time, but never really considered. They were talking about Mr. Kraft and making easy jokes about the whole setup.

The discussion eventually led to "table shower". These people honestly have no clue. Had my imagination not been widened by exposure to the hobby, I suppose I would be in the same boat.

The point is. . .I think we need to all be a little more thankful about our situation (whatever your specific situation may be). Of all living things to ever walk the earth, we must be some of the most fortunate creatures to have ever lived.

I know that many of us work hard and sacrifice in order to be in the situation we are; having the means, ability, and opportunity to partake in these imaginary encounters.

But think of all those who either 1) no matter how hard they work, they would never be in such a position (e.g. born in some 3rd world hell hole) or 2) through whatever decisions they have made in life are unable to partake in the hobby.

Anyways, I know that civilians discussing and speculating in mass media about these establishments can only be bad for the hobby. However, it does allow one the opportunity to consider what a great hobby it can be.

Carry on.
I was thinking from a different perspective. Like the tragedy it is.

What percent of your sexual life is this hobby? If you have sex 2 xs a week and 1 hobby girl 50% thats a bit of a tragedy that there is such a demand. Take any AMP girl and the 60 - 70 guys she sees a week that aren't getting enough on their own for whatever reason, now we have to feel like criminals.

Love to hear from everyone including the 100 percenters?
I believe that Humans are not naturally monogomous, rather it is an expectation that's been forced on us by convention. The billions of dollars the sex industry generates shows that the demand is there. I guess we can be grateful that we still have sugar babies, and other avenues to meet our needs.
Still sad hundreds of people will be charged with a sexual misdemeanor for a HJ...