turbonupe's Avatar
I have a question, and don't care if your answer is PC or not, just be honset, i am an AA male (mature) and see where a lot of providers don't see AA guys, even some AA providers, i want to know which ones do see AA mature guys without being cold or mechanical, i want to have fun like everbody else....lol
Hawkeye9's Avatar
try berkliegh!! I here she love purple people too!! lol
A lot of the girls that will see AA men, along with any other race will post it in their ads. AA men, any race in fact, are welcomed and treated like kings with me. Do a search on threads pertaining to AA gentlemen and you will find that several of us do. Good Luck.
SwollenMember's Avatar
Yeah its a thread that was done about two weeks ago maybe longer but a search will pull it up and its plenty in their...and reading reviews is very helpful...
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Yes, I'm sure you'll find many ladies here that would be happy to spend some time with you! No matter what color....or age you are. Now, if you're smelly..thaaaat's a whole other story. (I'm kidding.) (Okay, not about the smelly) (I know you're not smelly) (I'm just going to stop now)

Seriously, good luck and have fun!

Be good to yourselves...and each other!


~Kelly TNT
turbonupe's Avatar
purple people, wtf is that supposed to mean
texasred21's Avatar
I believe she is saying the Berkleigh will see anybody , any race , color , creed , as long as they are respectful and clean .
turbonupe's Avatar
my apologies hawkeye9, misunderstood your post
I think he means the evil purple smurfs.
Each lady has the freedom of choice to see who she wants to see. I know a lot of providers have pimps that won't allow them to see AA men because they think AA men want to "take their place" or they assume AA men don't want to spend $$ and just want to waste time. OR...the provider just isn't into AA men at all and/or are racist. I have seen AA people HATE AA people as if they are Klan members. I really don't get it, but oh well. I have seen ALL races other than Asian. Just my .02
I can completely understand why some girls don't like seeing young AA men. Most of them are rude, unprofessional, and just a**holes at heart!

As far as them being cheap, not all of them.($$$ dope boys $$$) I will say that that most of my clients are young AA guys and they usually spend the most. However any white guy who comes usually leaves a nice tip!

Problems with young AA guys, if there ever is a "mishap" or a "problem" between a provider & hobbyist, it would be with an young AA guy. That's how girls get beat up by hobbyist....sad but true. Don't see that too much with a white hobbyist.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I have a question, and don't care if your answer is PC or not, just be honset, i am an AA male (mature) and see where a lot of providers don't see AA guys, even some AA providers, i want to know which ones do see AA mature guys without being cold or mechanical, i want to have fun like everbody else....lol Originally Posted by turbonupe
Maybe simply PM or e-mail them and ask how they feel about seeing an AA male. You might get some who would lie and take your money anyway, but maybe it improves your odds.

Lots of ladies are bad about returning messages anyway, so it would be real easy for a non AA friendly lady to simply "miss" your message.
[CENTER]I can completely understand why some girls don't like seeing young AA men. Most of them are rude, unprofessional, and just a**holes at heart!

Problems with young AA guys, if there ever is a "mishap" or a "problem" between a provider & hobbyist, it would be with an young AA guy. That's how girls get beat up by hobbyist....sad but true. Don't see that too much with a white hobbyist. Originally Posted by Erika19
LMAO where do you get your playmates from?
Yeah, I get the same shit, man. I need to find an AA and ninja kitties friendly provider.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Agree with the "just ask" post. PM and see what's up. It can be anything from AAs just don't turn her on to she's not in an AA mood right now to outright racial profiling. For awhile there, Gonzo did nothing but AAs. And for awhile it was tall, skinny AAs. Then it was the fuller, curvier bubble-butt AAs. Now I'm off the AA train (apologies to the Duke) altogether. Now it's younger providers. Before that, it was more mature providers, and before that it was redheads. Who knows what tomorrow may bring? But the only reason I'm not into sisters right now is that for the time being I've been there and done that. But a few weeks or months down the road, I'll see a pic of a hot black sister and back on the wagon I go! I suspect what you're thinking may be less prevalent than you think. Then again, I'm guessing.