
grandprize's Avatar
Any reputable online sources for the blue pills. I've gotten a million spam emails but never tried one.
I would strongly suggest NOT using any prescription pills like Viagra or Cialis. Viagra has TON's of side affects, the worst being "timing". You have to time Viagra just right and be sure not to eat ANYTHING within 3 hours of intimacy. Plus, the side affects can be annoying, flushed red face, headache, congestion and blurred vision. Many people have experienced permanent hearing loss from taking Viagra. Viagra SUCKS!!

Cialis is much better, however, I have found it to be hit and miss and generally not strong enough to count on even at 20mg.

There is GOOD news, though! There are a couple of herbals out there that you can get at Dreamers, AAA news, Cindies or online. I have been using these herbals for 10 years and the results have been MUCH better than any prescription ED med.

1) Phuck - get at AAA news on 183/Duval
2) Black Ant - AAA news on 183/Duval
3) ManUP - Dreamers, AAA news - works but can get congestion
4) ME-36 - can get this any convenience store

There are others that are outstanding too.

Whispers's Avatar
Viagra has TON's of side affects, the worst being "timing". You have to time Viagra just right and be sure not to eat ANYTHING within 3 hours of intimacy.

I've never heard that before,I've often taken one at the end of a main course, before desert knowing we were heading to play after finishing... Th \e dose kicks in within the hour.... Usually as I'm in the midst of going for the first pop... Making the 2nd and subsequent much more "solid"... Although I've cut way back since T therapy,,,

Plus, the side affects can be annoying, flushed red face, headache, congestion and blurred vision. Many people have experienced permanent hearing loss from taking Viagra. Viagra SUCKS!!

Many people never experience any of them... I get the flushed face on rare occasions and at times a bit congested....
Originally Posted by bluester
But the OP wasn't asking what the problems were or for alternatives....

There does not seem to be a reliable online source for a while now but you can often get samples from your family DR,,,, I've managed sot samples during visits to neighborhood Urgent Cares as well if you want to keep it out of the records at the family doc
Elephant's Avatar
Research natural products, most are not FDA approved if that is a concern. MACA POWDER from MACA ROOT (South America) is one item

Maca Root Powder Benefits

Maca root powder is a root plant that is similar in appearance to the turnip but that is often used as a medicinal herb rather than a food. The plant grows in the Andes Mountains and some other regions in South America. The plant is typically found growing naturally in high altitudes and is harvested, dried and powered to be sold in capsules to people around the world.
The Benefits of Maca
Studies have shown that one of the main Maca root powder benefits is that the plant can work to balance hormones by directly working with the body's endocrine system. The plant is most often used as a way to combat erectile dysfunction that is caused by hormone disruptions, but is also used for other conditions.
For example, a benefit of using Maca is that the plant can improve libido in men and can also improve the quality of sperm produced. While the plant hasn't been studied extensively, it is most often used to treat sexual dysfunction related to the use of SSRI anti-depressants in both men and women. The powder also has been shown to reduce cholesterol and improve good cholesterol in humans.
The Downside
Maca is a plant that is known for being very high in glucosinolates, and its regular consumption can exacerbate goiters if enough salt and iodine aren't also present in the body. The regions where Maca grows naturally include Peru and other areas where iodized salt may not be as readily available as in other, less remote, areas of the world.
In general, Maca is just as safe to eat as any other natural growing plant. Maca root powder has actually been used as a base for flour in many dishes in regions where the plant naturally grows.
How Does Maca Work?
Maca root powder affects the body in several ways. When considering the hormones the plant works by providing the nutrients that the body needs to naturally produce hormones in the amount needed for proper sexual function. Maca has even been used to treat hormone related PMS successfully.
While Maca does effect the production and regulation of hormones it also contains many different nutrients that have a positive affect on the body. While the exact mechanism of Maca root has not been determined scientifically, studies do show some proof of the benefits.