Preggo providers by hobbyists

ad1179's Avatar
I've been curious to know if anyone has any knowledge about provider girls that get pregnant from hobbyists.
I can count at least a dozen 19 years olds within Just the past year alone(And we ALL know who they are it's not like the hot Teenagers get overlooked! let's make a list lol); that have announced it publicly; seeming within that age group they would be the least responsible/knowledgable on how to deal with the issue abortion wise etc.
And that they eagerly post for customers while they're preggo it wouldn't seem like a planned, most cautious/protected pregnancy with a Significant Other

Would any of you guys be willing to own up to the child; and do the girls (or should they) come back in general after they 'pop' or concern themselves with who the father would be.
I hope they do because they're still sexy underage (21) hotties who can't even drink legally! although they may be 'streched' out some if they have other menu items to compensate.
Elephant's Avatar
I'll come clean. I'm Nikki J's babydaddy!
sixxbach's Avatar

how do you know all those providers were knocked up their john's? Were you able to get a DNA test done? Are you going to come on Maury Povich with the gals?

You do know that providers do have sex outside the hobby right? You do know that some providers actually have bf's, husband's etc?

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I'll come clean. I'm Nikki J's babydaddy! Originally Posted by Elephant

What ya mean I'm not?..

On a serious note why is this anyones business?Just because a lady provides while pregnant DOESNOT mean it is not a planned, most cautious/protected pregnancy.... How do you know she is not doing this to prepare for her baby to give the child the best life she could???
What ya mean I'm not?..

On a serious note why is this anyones business?Just because a lady provides while pregnant DOESNOT mean it is not a planned, most cautious/protected pregnancy.... How do you know she is not doing this to prepare for her baby to give the child the best life she could??? Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
I agree ! It aint no ones bizz !