References for NBA policy Providers??

mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 07-28-2010, 06:02 PM
I respect the fact that everyone has a right to see whomever they want for what ever reason. I'm don't know why this question keeps popping into my head whenever one of the NBA policy debates pops up but here it goes.

If a provider has an NBA policy would they accept references from a black provider?

If the answer is YES, isn't that ironic as hell? The reference from a black girl is OK, but the money from a black guy isn't??

Combustion's Avatar
Yes they would probably would accept it and no it isn't ironic.
no such thing as equal oportunity racism
no such thing as equal oportunity racism Originally Posted by coefficient


If someone won't see a particular race of men, it doesn't mean they don't hold a double standard.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I don't see where that is comparing apples and apples?
Jkris's Avatar
  • Jkris
  • 07-29-2010, 12:44 PM
Well I dont think its all racism. Some of it is, but I think most of it comes from a provider having a bad experience with someone, and they only thing they can take away from it was that it was a AA male who did it, thus not wanting to see AA clients. This has nothing to do with not accepting references from an AA provider. Now, should the NBA policy be a case by case basis? Absolutely. During screening questions should be asked to gauge personality, etc.........
cmspec's Avatar
I don't see where that is comparing apples and apples? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I have to agree CB...
LeftySmith's Avatar
The reference from a black girl is OK, but the money from a black guy isn't?? Originally Posted by mietk
I imagine some of it is no doubt racist and some nothing more than sexual preference.

I happen to find myself attracted to beautiful women of most ethnic backgrounds, but I'll tell you right now that my dick is not politically correct. In fact, political correctness has absolutely no effect on whether or not my dick gets hard in the presence of a woman. I can't really say why my body chemistry is such that I am attracted to a particular woman and have no attraction whatsoever for another, but it is what it is.

Some women don't want to have sex with other women. Some don't want to have sex with black guys. For some it's Asians. Some only want to be intimate with their own race. It is not racist to have no sexual attraction for another race or a particular race. That is nothing more than hormones and chemistry.

So yeah, some of the ladies are probably racist. And so are some of the guys. But I don't begrudge the hott black chicks who don't want to have sex with me because of my skin color. I am just thankful when I find one who does.
ibechill's Avatar
Nope. Not ironic
Randall Creed's Avatar
I imagine some of it is no doubt racist and some nothing more than sexual preference...

...Some women don't want to have sex with other women. Some don't want to have sex with black guys. For some it's Asians. Some only want to be intimate with their own race. It is not racist to have no sexual attraction for another race or a particular race. That is nothing more than hormones and chemistry.

So yeah, some of the ladies are probably racist. And so are some of the guys. But I don't begrudge the hott black chicks who don't want to have sex with me because of my skin color. I am just thankful when I find one who does. Originally Posted by LeftySmith

There is some truthfulness in what you speak. However, it's NOT about attractiveness SIMPLY BECAUSE not all white hobbyists are Brad Pitt lookalikes. No one is sexually attracted to anyone SOLELY because of skin color. You'll never hear a woman say, "You weigh 590lbs, but your skin is smooth and pretty. I think I want to have sex with you." This is a business, and providers need the business of unattractive men to make it worth the while. More often than not, good looking guys wouldn't be caught dead doing this when they know they can get easy pussy for free.

I hear ya, but save that line THEY use to ATTEMPT to justify their RACIST 'business practices'.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I hear ya, but save that line THEY use to justify their RACIST 'business practices'. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
.....and this glittering jewel of colossal ignorance, ladies and germs, is exactly the way words lose meaning. You start with a word that conveys significance, then you wear it down with repetitive banal usage...beat it to death until its original content leaves; now it only evokes rolled eyes and yawns.
Htowner's Avatar
Not really. I have trusted a lot of people I couldn't have sex with. I have had sex with a lot of women I couldn't trust( and a couple I did which shouldn't have,lol).
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ya know, the old me just told you in my head to STFU.

But I'm not in the mood to play games with you. You attack my intelligence. That's fine.

If any of what I say is inaccurate, DONNY BOY, then why is it that ONLY BLACK MEN routinely go through this shit? White cats like you are raping the shit out these girls, short changing them, robbing and beating them, yet there's NEVER a fucking disclaimer at the bottom of any of their ads saying 'No White Men' or 'I'm not attracted to whites and asians' or 'My white boyfriend doesn't want me seeing other white men'??

Answer me that. Otherwise, take a flying leap.
If a provider has an NBA policy would they accept references from a black provider? Originally Posted by mietk
I don't see why not, she's not calling to see the black provider...

Well, she could

Holla at ya boy, mietk!
que sera sera mietk
We've heard every excuse in the book for it...
but it is what it is.
racism, sexual preference, hormones yadda yadda yadda
brothers don't take it personal when a chick says that.
Its her pussy so she can do whatever she wants with it....
I have a provider friend who has an nba policy and her BOYFRIEND is black
perhaps he doesn't want the extra competition?
who knows? Just move on to the next one