
sue_nami's Avatar
So let's talk about the offen mentioned ThreADs. Are they offensive to you in the first place? It seems that most anything a woman posts in coed is labelled a threAD by some. What are the acceptable topics that are not viewed as ads? What are the sort of posts that just scream ad to you? Do u find them bothersome or can you pass right over the threads you don't enjoy? What are the rules here about threADs anyway? Who defines them? What are the boundaries here as you see them? This is a public cervix announcement and in no way should be construed as a threAD.
nuglet's Avatar
Whispers and CK seem to post more ThreADS than all the girls put together.
Jenns calls those thrads. Male thread ads .
I say... say whatever the hell you want (within the guidelines). People are going to talk anyway. Who cares?!

Ignore the fucktards or just get sassy and set em' straight! Don't stop posting because some people don't like it.

Some men here always have something say about something. I assure you, the lurkers sileantly enjoy some of our ThreADs.
KissLover's Avatar

Some men here always have something say about something. I assure you, the lurkers sileantly enjoy some of our ThreADs. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Yes, probably true. I put more weight into a lady's online persona than a review. Some add value while others diminish. ThreADs can do either depending ...
Mine tend to do both... depends on my mood. Lmfao.
Homegrown512's Avatar
Yes, probably true. I put more weight into a lady's online persona than a review. Some add value while others diminish. ThreADs can do either depending ... Originally Posted by KissLover
+1 my thoughts exactly.
As a professional lurker, I enjoy when the women chime in....
sue_nami's Avatar
homegrown I LOVE your avatar. i was there when it was dedicated with willie present!
Call me superficial but I have no problem whatsoever with ThreAds provided the lady or at least the attached pic is hot.

If she isn't what I would consider desirable I just roll my eyes and throw up a little in my mouth lol.
i was there when it was dedicated with willie present! Originally Posted by sue_nami

Me too. Hmmm.
Little Monster's Avatar
I've seen women attack threADs almost as much as guys have....
actionjackson647's Avatar
i'd rather read a threAD by a woman than whatever dribble some of the more "prominent" men post in their efforts to stir up shit and make themselves feel important
i'd rather read a threAD by a woman than whatever dribble some of the more "prominent" men post in their efforts to stir up shit and make themselves feel important Originally Posted by actionjackson647
Sammy75's Avatar
fun2come's Avatar