Tip Required?!?!?

BigCockBrock's Avatar
I had a provider tell me a tip was required after quoting rate. Kind of a turn off. Some people don't believe in tipping in this hobby, but I do. Especially if I get good service but being to its REQUIRED is bs.

Imagine if your waiter told you this as she sat you down at your table.

If service is below I par don't get my money back, and I guess that's something you just chalk up as a loss. But being told a tips required is a bit forward, especially on the first encounter.

Should I out the provider?
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
If you went through with it then put it clearly in the review if you didn't than I would say that you are saving your fellow brothers time and effort by putting a handle to the provider in question.

I keep a lot of these that have $2-3 left on them to give piss poor service providers as tips.

Seems pretty nonsensical. A tip is a tip precisely because it is optional. If it is not optional then it is a portion of the donation. Or maybe an upsell fee? With restaurants, gratuity is automatically added due to certain circumstances, such as a server having to accommodate very large parties..
Passion2015's Avatar
Please tell us the provider
TemptationTammie's Avatar
A tip should be completely voluntary.
I agree with Lena that if it's required, it's either an upsell or part of the donation.
BigCockBrock's Avatar
(staff edit; can't post contents of private communications; ztonk)

I wasn't going to out here but when I told her I was turned off and and didn't want to book. She got pretty rude. I don't have the time for this shit, but I also don't like being talked to disrespectfully when I'm trying to put money in your pocket.

I have the convo just don't know how to upload photos from mobile
FUCK THAT HO AS SHIT... That's why these girls are always hungry.. These type of dumb ho's need to be booted out with the CBJ tards..
Passion2015's Avatar
That's a 100% Pass for me. Thanks for the heads up
nuglet's Avatar
thanks for the intel.. Where is the blob Whispers when there's "really" something to fuss about? LOL I'm sure he'll slither in here soon.
I do believe that someone would need to change their rates if they require a tip.

I think it is an incredibly sweet gesture when any guest chooses to gift more than they are asked, but I wouldn't dream of telling someone that they have to tip me. I'm fairly positive that no one would come back if I was trying to squeeze every possible dollar out of their pocket...
inspector farquar's Avatar
I like a gal with sass.

But such a gal need not be blithely out of touch with the multi-nuanced rhythms of the male libido, reducing a potentially lovely exchange of divergent energies into no more than a few moments of grunting and some small amount of spilled liquids. For shame.
moonshiner's Avatar
So she wants a $100 tip on a $100 appointment? lol
At least you're a smart "emotional pussy" instead of a complete idiot right?
Thanks for sharing the insanity.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Wow... Not on my list anymore, thats crap.
Sorry that happened but good on you for thinking with the big head.
BigCockBrock's Avatar
its not about the tip. It's the fact that she tried to force it on me, there's plenty of providers and I have no problem spending my money else where. The emotional pussy part made me post this
Longhorn in Texas's Avatar
There's an old saying..."bulls eat, bears eat but pigs starve."

Always true - and some people never figure out that if you try to get ever crumb in a deal, we won't get very many deals and your'll starve quickly.