study: men looking for love from providers

"A new analysis of men who pay for sexual activities suggests that their true goal is finding something a bit more complicated – true love – even if it’s from the sex worker."
roscoe14850's Avatar
I'm lookin for a nice set of teeth and good fresh breath peace!
Lexxxy's Avatar
There really are plenty of Capt-Save-A-Ho guys out there. Unfortunitly it happens and you have to make sure the business line is clearly drawn and if they can't deal with it they should go elsewhere. There are so many guys out there that try and take advantage of a Lady. HOWEVER, there are just as many "Ladies" out there that would take advantage of a Gent that developed feelings for them and use it to their advantage. This has to be an equal respect equal understanding type of thing or all hell breaks loose.
There really are plenty of Capt-Save-A-Ho guys out there. Unfortunitly it happens and you have to make sure the business line is clearly drawn and if they can't deal with it they should go elsewhere. There are so many guys out there that try and take advantage of a Lady. HOWEVER, there are just as many "Ladies" out there that would take advantage of a Gent that developed feelings for them and use it to their advantage. This has to be an equal respect equal understanding type of thing or all hell breaks loose. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
though "capt-save-a-ho" is a definite type we've all encountered, more often it's the "admiral affluent asshole" looking to buy a live-in lover whom i find myself in these sort of situations with.

typically after the first time you decline their offers to "take it to the next level" they cut their losses and you never hear from them again.

occasionally theres the guy who will keep seeing you, and keep asking, but after the 2nd or 3rd unsuccessful attempt also moves on to try his luck elsewhere.

every once and a while you get that special breed of individual who is not only delusional, but actually tells you he isn't going to give up on you no matter how many times you tell him it is never going to happen.

they usually bail after the 5th time you set them straight.

yet another reason i prefer married clients...
Lexxxy's Avatar
though "capt-save-a-ho" is a definite type we've all encountered, more often it's the "admiral affluent asshole" looking to buy a live-in lover whom i find myself in these sort of situations with.

typically after the first time you decline their offers to "take it to the next level" they cut their losses and you never hear from them again.

occasionally theres the guy who will keep seeing you, and keep asking, but after the 2nd or 3rd unsuccessful attempt also moves on to try his luck elsewhere.

every once and a while you get that special breed of individual who is not only delusional, but actually tells you he isn't going to give up on you no matter how many times you tell him it is never going to happen.

they usually bail after the 5th time you set them straight.

yet another reason i prefer married clients... Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth
Oh yeah, it takes all types. Over the years you see it all. I just like to explain how it is much cheaper, smarter, and easier to see me in the hobby LMFAO. I even warn over nighters that I stay up late, I snore, toss'n'turn, get too hot so I toss the blankets off the bed, I spread out in the middle of the bed, I sleep giggle, and I talk in my sleep. I couldn't imagine dealing with me all day every day and all night every night like that. Plus when I shop I do "I want this I want that I want this I want that I need this I might need that..." I have no clue how a Gent that takes me on shopping dates would want to date me, I am like that EVERY time I shop at EVERY place.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh yeah, it takes all types. Over the years you see it all. I just like to explain how it is much cheaper, smarter, and easier to see me in the hobby LMFAO. I even warn over nighters that I stay up late, I snore, toss'n'turn, get too hot so I toss the blankets off the bed, I spread out in the middle of the bed, I sleep giggle, and I talk in my sleep. I couldn't imagine dealing with me all day every day and all night every night like that. Plus when I shop I do "I want this I want that I want this I want that I need this I might need that..." I have no clue how a Gent that takes me on shopping dates would want to date me, I am like that EVERY time I shop at EVERY place. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
do I know you ????????

latter all
I owe I owe its off ta work I go
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-16-2012, 03:36 PM
"A new analysis of men who pay for sexual activities suggests that their true goal is finding something a bit more complicated – true love – even if it’s from the sex worker." Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth

Hmmmmm, copying me now?

12 hours late. I guess mine wasn't good enough.

It's ok, really, if you would like lessons on how this forum works, I would be more than happy to teach you how to use vBulletin.
"A new analysis of men who pay for sexual activities suggests that their true goal is finding something a bit more complicated – true love – even if it’s from the sex worker." Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth

News stories are for ratings or to make you believe something you shouldn't believe!

Pretty women have a candy store between their legs and their suitors like candy. Some lonely souls equate the candy obsession as love of the the source of the candy, but it's really about the candy.

The thing most women don't understand is that man can dislike you but will take (acquire) your candy. Once given the candy the real man emerges less his load bag (reality..ouch).

What most men don't understand is that women would like to rollup a towel into a rail tail and snap you in the nuts (Ms Elizabeth?) for your failure to see them beyond the candy unless they are the chosen candy (women?).

Women see man as an illusion to what they really are. They have an obsession with male popularity among their friends or others that dominates their reality!

Men see women as candy or what they think they will become if they are with them, another delusion!

Welcome to an aspect of the spiritual evolution!

Any way you look at it Ms. E has the candy.
interesting, i somewhat agree with sexman333, and good points well taken

What I see, is that I am buying a lover for a time, and some of that requires more than just pussy, it is a fantasy, it can be role play. I won't be the first to admit it is fantasy.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I would never fall in love with a provider. Could never truly love a woman who I know to be having sex with other men. I'm just not wired that way. That doesn't mean I don't have the "hots" for them. I've always been able to distinguish love from lust. I might be confused on everything thing else in life LOL but I've been able to keep those two things clear.
cowboy8055's Avatar
This has to be an equal respect equal understanding type of thing or all hell breaks loose. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Exactly. I'm a simple guy who's single just looking for fun. I always treat providers with respect. Even if the session is a bad one I will smile and hug them good bye. There's going to be bad experiences while hobbying. I don't take take it personal. I can't control how they treat me but I can control how I treat them. No reason to be disrespectful.
Loki Pk's Avatar
"Boston man cautioned, “Men in this hobby who think they are only after sex are deceiving themselves. Sex always involves emotion, with the possibility for eventual affection, closeness, and emotional connection always lurking there. People can fall in love when they least expect it. And that love can last, even while one or both parties are married … and even when one is a provider.”

Sorry....but that is just ridicules. Yes there are guys out there who will fall into this catagory...but not nearly as many as this retarded report says. They got the info for this report off a client/provider site...any guess which one?. But didn't actually speak to anyone apparently.

There will always be the percentage of individuals who deviate from the norm....Now I am sure that many of us have 'feelings' for our favorite providers or the girls for their select clients....but most are not 'love' or amorous affection...more like 'joy' because you know you are gonna have a GREAT TIME with someone who is like an old friend. My regular girls know all the buttons to push for me and I am the least inhibited with a professional. I ask for some things that I would NEVER ask of a wife or girlfriend....and a great time is had by all. And for many I would guess, can tell the diff between sex and love. Letting emotions into it is the fastest way to really fuck it up IMHO. Know what the line is...and keep it there.
This report is so skewed....they looked at 2442 posts and drew conclusions? SHIT OSD, Jonballs, and GP have more than 10x's that number between them!
"A new analysis of men who pay for sexual activities suggests that their true goal is finding something a bit more complicated – true love – even if it’s from the sex worker.
In this new study, Christine Milrod and co-author Ronald Weitzer analyzed 2,442 postings on an online discussion board from a sex provider review site where more than a million clients of sex workers read and post about their experiences. Approximately one-third included a discussion about emotional intimacy between sex workers and their clients, many of whom expressed a desire to grow their relationships beyond the physical level in the form of sharing private feelings and mutual love".
PUH-LEEEZE! thats like drawing a conclusion that there are only 5 different kinds of fish in the sea, because thats all you have ever caught.
Funny shit....clinical or Empirical data ?...hardly.
cowboy8055's Avatar
yet another reason i prefer married clients... Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth
I can see why providers might prefer married clients. More potential trouble from single guys. If I was married I would never do this. Can't see myself cheating on my wife and you set yourself up for a huge nightmare if you get caught.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-16-2012, 06:57 PM
Have you ever been married?