Hmmmm,can Gents tell when a Lady is a provider?

Lexxxy's Avatar
There was a study I read about in college where men were more attracted to women that had more sex. The theory is that frequent sex changed their hormone levels and men picked up on her being more available. They did the study with the girls wearing the same outfit, makeup,hair, perfume, and ordering the same drink at the same bar before the study and after the study. Statistically the women having more sex were looked at, flirted with, talked to, asked out, hit on, bought more drinks, and asked out after the study than before the study and dramatically more than the women that remained celibate as a control group.
I have personally noticed this, especially while traveling alone. What I mean by alone is when I am alone at the gym, ice machine, pool, hot tub, in line in the lobby, alone at the bar, and so on. My thing is I can't tell if I am more open to notice the extra attention or if I am actually getting more. I have always done the polite eye contact and smile thing when passing someone in the hall or whenever someone makes eye contact with me. This gesture usually brings up small chat with whomever while waiting for something or sitting around in a hot tub but I have noticed small chat turning more to questions about me or more obvious flirting as of late. I haven't changed a thing about myself or the way I carry myself.
Can you Gents pick up on this? Is there a body language or something you just sense?
Have you Ladies noticed this?
Could it just be spring and summer and everyone is a bit more turned on/seeking a summer fling?
wish I could tell which ones were providers for my office sex fantasy... (they still have not put a window on my office door, which won't impact my work sex life, because it is really pretty dull (none exists), but would interfere with nap time...)

otherwise, i think that women that are more confident and free in their sexuality will have a different body language. I think that is what you are noticing in the change of how men behave around you. It is obvious, even to this geek, you have a lot of (female type) mojo.

Hey I notice that name across your breasts a week ago, just waited to see when the others would notice, that was a great one!
cowboy8055's Avatar

Can you Gents pick up on this? Is there a body language or something you just sense?
Originally Posted by Lexxxy
I'm probably too dim witted to notice but I'm sure it's possible.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Hunting season approaches, and we are in the rut. Animal instincts.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I am digging all this insight Gents! Thank you and I look forward to more.
its somewhat true. when women have an orgasm we give off pheromones. while we cant actually smell them like perfume, men pick them and find us more attractive bc of the pheromones we are giving off
cowboy8055's Avatar
Wish I smelled like a pheromone that attracts women. Or maybe not. What's that saying, be careful what you ask for LOL
wanttohavefun's Avatar
I have always done the polite eye contact and smile thing when passing someone in the hall or whenever someone makes eye contact with me. This gesture usually brings up small chat with whomever while waiting for something or sitting around in a hot tub but I have noticed small chat turning more to questions about me or more obvious flirting as of late. I haven't changed a thing about myself or the way I carry myself. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
The polite eye contact and smile doesn't happen all the time so that to me is a sign the person may be up for chatting. As to when to start flirting/questioning, that part is determined by how comfortable I feel around the woman and how attracted I am to her. IMHO a woman who is confident in her body & personality and knows the effect it has on men will carry herself in a very attractive way. As for the comfort level, out of the non providers that I've known only one or two were easier to talk to when I first met them whereas all the better providers I have seen were able to put me at ease.

You say you haven't changed anything, but as you've gained experience hasn't that increased your confidence and ability to make a guy comfortable whem talking to you? Doesn't at least part of that show even when you are just relaxing in the hot tub?
  • Aguy
  • 08-27-2012, 07:23 AM
I suspect that it has to do with being more social in general. I can't picture someone that leans toward being introverted having a sex as frequently as a person that is fairly extroverted.

One definition of extroverted verses introverted that makes the most sense to me is that extroverted people gained energy from being around people and crowds and introverted people don't. I fall on the introverted side of that line. I can do public speaking with out a problem, I'm not a hermit and I don't want to live in the back woods were I see someone one a week. On the other hand I have no desire to work "downtown." I'm not a go out to the bar person at all. I don't want to be a salesman, because it simple saps too much of my energy.

With that said, This has to be expressed in a persons body language. In other words certain women have more sex because of the type of personality they have and that personality can't be disguised with clothes, hair style, make-up or what ever.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
With that said, This has to be expressed in a persons body language. In other words certain women have more sex because of the type of personality they have and that personality can't be disguised with clothes, hair style, make-up or what ever. Originally Posted by Aguy
There is some truth in that.
I go in with one of the I see to Applebee's. Guy from other side of bar come over to hit on her. Even with she came in with a guy. Also one time standing in line for are order at Schaller's. dang his wife got pissed off at him.

Out shopping with another, guys come out of the woodwork and try to hit on it. mmmm with a guy and picking up t-paper. With one of the others same thing as she was picking out errrrrr ahhhhhh mmmmm her mark on my moon dial was right on time.

window shopping with yet another. WTF she 50, and young guys hitting on.

At time all 3 dressed to not attract attention. Neither of us knew the guys that came over. It dose not happen every time I out and about with one. But happened more than few times with each.
Interesting Point here i do believe we the "Pigs" I mean the men we are can tell when a lady is lets say more then sexually active then other ladies are.

It may stem from the way you carry yourself, or maybe a more sexually active lady is more lets say more outgoing or has a more postive out pouring of confidence coming from her that the other ladies dont have!! Just my two cents i guess.

OSD i'm sorry i was hitting on her at Applebee's i guess i didnt realize she was with you!!!LOL

Nikki BTW love the new Avatar!!! Yum Yum!!!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
OSD i'm sorry i was hitting on her at Applebee's i guess i didnt realize she was with you!!!LOL

Lexxy Originally Posted by vern0064
If I knew it was you I would have let ya. With that one you would have been mad as hell with me latter. If it was of the other 2 why thank you
Might best be careful about relying too much on pheromones.

waitress is not on menu.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
he forgot to tip her first. 1/5th to 1/2 of the bail would have worked.
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
I think a good indication that a lady is a provider is when she requests $$$ in an unsealed unmarked envelope.