Texas Rethinks Prostitution Law

Eleven years after making repeat prostitution (after a third misdemeanor conviction) a felony, Texas lawmakers now realize they may have made a big mistake.
Home of the King Ranch... you would think they would know better and just decriminalize for situations in which the prostitute is legally competent and not coerced.
Eleven years after making repeat prostitution (after a third misdemeanor conviction) a felony, Texas lawmakers now realize they may have made a big mistake. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
It seems like they are just too cheap to pay to support their moral convictions, Which makes the whores of a different type in my book. I did get a chuckle when the legislator said they weren't locking up people they were afraid of, but rather they were just mad at. You would think that Texas Gov. Perry would take the free market approach he championed in his presidental bid and legalize prostitution.
sexyfatguy's Avatar
Indeed. There are three indisputable reasons that prostitution should be legalized in Texas: (1) it would offset state budget shortfalls by creating another tax revenue stream, (2) requiring licensing contingent upon quarterly testing for STDs would reduce health risks and (3) ... Uh.....hehehe ...give me a second... Lemme think...hahaha - I can't remember the third thing....where the hell is Ron Paul when I need him?
Ceremony's Avatar
that fucking hysterical! Well done, sir.
Franklin4's Avatar
I dont like the idea of women being in jail for prostitution, women are manipulated by men, into staff edit BB: prohibited topic, its a never ending cycle.....