Can government hit a moving target?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We all complain about how slowly government moves. The rare circumstance of the Patriot Act (only six years in the making) is called fast action. Most of the time government is struggling to understand much less make policy for moving targets. Just look at the recent stand off in Nevada. A need from 20 years ago has been fulfilled, was fulfilled years ago, but government is moving forward like a car with failed brakes.

Dr. David Archibald has published some research that suggests that the anti-global warming policies of the US government and UN body have missed their moment in history. If you believe in global warming then you have to admit that times change. Your very moment is all about change and you have to admit that the change may be in the opposite direction. As even recognized by some leftist on this site the sun is going into a calm period. The need for carbon emissions control has passed. Without the sun, the major affect on the global climate, we should see some cooling. If we continue to try to enforce unnecessary climate restrictions then we are going to hurt ourselves greatly. Winters will get colder requiring more fossil fuels to warm people's homes. Fuel prices have gone up because of government restrictions. The growing season will shorten in the US but food prices have gone up because of other government actions designed to combat global warming. Corn into gasoline rather than the shopping cart, land put into lay up rather than being productive, EPA dust regulations, and the BLM interfering with ranchers.

Dr. Archibald said to prepare for weather and growing seasons that we are used to seeing 300 miles north. For Texas that is a blessing, for Kansas you're talking about northern Nebraska. It was time for the jetstream to change and it was time for the sun to change cycles. Will it take government 20 years to understand that they have made a mistake and then want to spend uncounted billions trying to turn things around that they caused. I guess that is a new term; Government Caused Climate Change.
Is this another "It's Obama's Fault" thread?

If so, JD Idiot must be on another fishin' expedition!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny, the only person to mention the village idiot is you TEX.
Funny, the only person to mention the village idiot Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is clear and unmistakable evidence that I fully understood JD, our resident "village idiot."
Better check your facts JD the sunspot in cycle 24 has gone from a low in July 2013 to a high in Jan 2014. The prediction for the remaining cycle is mixed as to moderating to a high.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You didn't even read the link did you?
You didn't even read the link did you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have no answer have you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I was out doing a final walk through on a house I was buying but EVA makes my point exactly. He may not even know it. If I wrote what he did, I would be wanting to change it before it was noticed. He is discussing a SIX MONTH change in the sun like it means something. We're working with a 30 year cycle here and six months doesn't mean shit. People like EVA and liberal politicians cling to those six months metrics like they are important. As I stated in an earlier thread (which EVA doesn't remember) the status of the sun can change very quickly. Politicians can be making laws and regulations for conditions that ended a couple of years ago which is what they are doing right now. If you want to do it right (meaning that you really care about events and not just the tax money) then you have to be predictive and not reactive. Listen to the warmists. They say we have to do something or we will all be dead by 1997, 2000, or 2010. They were wrong. The target has moved but this is really all about money so they don't really care.
While you babble about the change from a high in 2011 to a calmer one in 2012. Sun spot activity is higher now than in the last 8000 years. In the calmer period you babble about the activity was down, but earth temp rose.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now EVA you know that's not true.
Now EVA you know that's not true. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Check facts Judy. I did.
JD, you miss the point. They stopped calling it "global cooling" after the late 1970's, they stopped calling it global warming a few years ago, now it is simply " climate change", which can mean anything you want it to mean.

And of course, which means you can also tax it.

They can't tax sunspot activity, solar flairs, etc.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
JD, you miss the point. They stopped calling it "global cooling" after the late 1970's, they stopped calling it global warming a few years ago, now it is simply " climate change", which can mean anything you want it to mean.

And of course, which means you can also tax it.

They can't tax sunspot activity, solar flairs, etc. Originally Posted by Jackie S
JD taxes our patience, etc.