Cheesing... 😁

Here’s a threAd every provider can join in on. If you don’t show your face, blur the top part of your face or chop off your eyes and nose and show your smile only.

But feel free to show those sexy big smiles ladies!

Attachment 874218

So I might be cheesing a little too much. Lol. Blame the apple crown!
TailHooked's Avatar
Lovely Photo. Cheese all you want.
  • Gldy
  • 12-03-2020, 05:19 PM
Thanks for being real! You're sexy!!!
You got somethin in your teeth babe!

Made ya look
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I enjoy collecting smiles.
How bout some roast beefing.
{staff edit- CK}

ok, this.

{staff edit- CK}
You are seriously so disrespectful. I’ve reported you for disrespect, cyberstalking and harassment cause at this point you’ve came to the Wichita sections to disrespect me multiple times and you dont even hobby there. You’ve followed me around on the kc boards to purposely target and disrespect me multiple times as well. I have no fucking clue who you are so your hateful ass comments don’t even phase me but I refuse to be abused online from some amp only trick when I’m not getting abused in my own real life.

You lack what it takes to be a man. No woman besides those trafficked amp bitches will see you...and they see anybody so that’s not saying much. You think you can scare me away? You’re sadly mistaken. I’m tough skinned and this is my job. I’m not going anywhere.

Ima keep posting pics. You’ll never break me. You’re a straight pos. Adios amigo. This is the last attention you’ll ever get from me. I feel sorry for you. And, your nasty demeanor and comments towards me and other women is just a reflection of your character. I’m a confident beautiful lady. You won’t change that.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
For a horse, that's actually an excellent set of teeth.
So I guess I missed your point.
Boredinop's Avatar
That was pretty bad, actually pathetic. Don't worry about it Gemma you have a quality reputation.
Love the smile
ok, this. Originally Posted by playa76
You are seriously so disrespectful. I’ve reported you for disrespect, cyberstalking and harassment cause at this point you’ve came to the Wichita sections to disrespect me multiple times and you dont even hobby there. You’ve followed me around on the kc boards to purposely target and disrespect me multiple times as well. I have no fucking clue who you are so your hateful ass comments don’t even phase me but I refuse to be abused online from some amp only trick when I’m not getting abused in my own real life.

You lack what it takes to be a man. No woman besides those trafficked amp bitches will see you...and they see anybody so that’s not saying much. You think you can scare me away? You’re sadly mistaken. I’m tough skinned and this is my job. I’m not going anywhere.

Ima keep posting pics. You’ll never break me. You’re a straight pos. Adios amigo. This is the last attention you’ll ever get from me. I feel sorry for you. And, your nasty demeanor and comments towards me and other women is just a reflection of your character. I’m a confident beautiful lady. You won’t change that. Originally Posted by Gemma34
It's not just you, babe. He stalks Lubeman so closely that if LM makes a hard right turn, Playa76 breaks his nose. One of the most annoying people on the board.
Gemma = Beautiful teeth, beautiful smile, beautiful face!