So Good to be Home...Scammed in Pittsburgh

Just got home from a business trip to Pittsburgh and wanted to share a hobbying experience in case any of you ever go there. Over the years, I've found that others experiences can be learning tools for my own hobby. Or at least maybe I can save someone one here some hassle.

In doing some research prior to the trip, I found that my usual boards were not as active in the PGH area, so I joined another board that seemed to be much more active (not sure if I can name it here). After browsing the local scene and reading all the recent reviews, I decided to pursue a provider named Naomi for an appointment. Her review history was generally positive with the exception of one older review. She seemed to be pretty active on the board, so I PM'd her the day before my trip to inquire about her availability.

On the day of my arrival in Pittsburgh, we exchanged PM's and she expressed her concerns over my unvouched status on the board. I told her that I understood, safety is always #1 in this game and I would be willing to comply with any screening that she required. She replied with her screening terms as well as her rate. I agreed and a bit later she called me to set up the appointment. During that call, she began lamenting the fact that my hotel was not close to her home. I had given her my location in a PM prior to her establishing her rates, so I assumed that any hardship for travel would have been accounted for in her rate. Red Flag #1.

Eventually, she agreed to the appointment and we set a time. As I had an early flight to catch, I verified with her that she was able to arrive at the established time, which she said would not be a problem. She finally arrived 45 minutes late and I believe that she lied about having to travel an hour since she was posting ads and replying to threads on this website within 25 minutes of arriving at my hotel. Red Flag #2

In addition, my hotel was near the Pittsburgh Airport, which I'd imagine is a prime hobby spot for local providers, but Naomi complained about having to travel over an hour to meet me, despite the fact that her ads clearly state that she provides outcall to the airport.

Despite her tardiness, upon arrival we chatted for a good 15 minutes about life, the hobby, etc. I typically like to do this, especially with providers whom I am unfamiliar, just to break the ice and put everyone at ease. Not knowing if Naomi is a clockwatcher, eventually I asked if she'd like to freshen up and get more comfortable, to which she complied. We both got comfortable and proceeded over to the bed, at which time Naomi offered a massage with lotion. I declined as I hate getting all sticky with lotion, especially in a bed that I must sleep in. Naomi insisted on giving me a massage. Red Flag #3

After several minutes of a completely lame massage, I rolled over and asked her to lie down, planning on going for some DATY. Instead, she proceeded to lie face down and asked me to massage her. My experience tells me that only providers with an agenda tend to try and dictate the appointment, which she had now done a few times. Red Flag #4 But I again complied and massaged her back for a few minutes. I asked her to grab a cover so we could begin some fun, at which point she began "fumbling" through her purse (probably an act).

She announced that she had not brought any protection and it was my responsibility to have it anyways. Again, in 10+ years, I have NEVER seen a provider who travels without any protection. She told me since it was my fault, there was a gas station across the street and if I wanted to go buy some, she would if I'd fall for that. Sure Naomi, I'll run across the street while you stay here, rob me and then leave. Sounds good. Red Flag #5 Game over for me.

I told her that I was not going anywhere and that it was ridiculous for her to come unprepared. At this point she turned nasty and changed her tune. Her new argument was that protection was irrelevant because our appointment was simply her offering charity to an unvouched newbie on the board. The only reason that she took it was out of the goodness of her heart so that I could become vouched on the board and other providers would see me in the future (which would do me a lot of good since I was in Pittsburgh for 1 day). Her fee was for that tremendous act of charity. In addition, all of a sudden the hotel that I was staying in was an issue for her, even though I gave her the hotel name and address earlier in the day in a PM. Now granted, it was not the Ritz Carlton, but it was chosen because it was cheap and convenient to both my business meeting, as well as the airport. For a one evening stay in PGH, it was fine. But once again, she took the attitude that I should be thanking her for even showing up at such a place.

At this point, her true colors and agenda had been displayed and I knew that there was no recovering this appointment. Also, not knowing what other issues she may have or whom brought her to my hotel, I didn't want to further provoke her by haggling over the fee. So I gave it to her and asked her to leave, which of course she was more than happy to do.
Now I have had meetings with providers where there wasn't that instant click. Not everyone will always be compatible, but again if you are respectful, I have never met a provider that I could not execute a quality appointment with, even if that connection was not there. Unless they have an agenda or are there for a scam.

So all in all, I spent $$.50 for a 10 minute leg rug with cheap, nasty body lotion. I am sure that Pittsburgh has many quality providers, but for those thinking of scheduling with Naomi, BEWARE. You may receive the same treatment that I did.

Link to Naomi's page (again not sure if this is permitted, so remove if not):

Wow....I will be in Pittsburgh soon, but I use either this site or to search for talent.

Let me ask this.....why didn't you give her, say $ or $.25, and be done with it? Do you think she was going to flip out if she at least got some sort of donation? And how much time difference was their between her visit and when you had to leave? I ask because if you had refused to donate completely, how was she going to "get back at you"?

Sorry man, that whole ordeal sucks, and I honestly feel for you. I will say this though. I read a lot of posts about clients that "know something is up" FAR before any donation is exchanged, yet the client still goes through with the visit (and yes, I have done the same thing a few times in my past "hobbying" life). Why do we do it, knowing there is a good chance something "hinky" is going on? One of the great mysteries of life I guess............
I'd love to hear others chime in on this, but to answer your question, here was the 30 second evaluation that went through my head when it came time to either give her the money or tell her to pound salt...

Who knows what she had going on mentally? She obviously was not a genuine person, so who knows what she was capable of? Maybe she had a gun or knife in her purse...maybe she was driven to the appointment by a someone waiting in the parking lot who was capable of harming me. Is running the risk of that worth saving $$? To me it certainly isn't. Maybe had I refused to pay her she would have gone quietly, but what if she didn't?

I'd rather just be out the $$ than risk finding out worse. I certainly didn't enjoy the satisfaction of giving her the money for what she did, but I went to bed safe and that is more important.
It's a hard thing to have to make a quick decision like that at002f. I have had to make those types of calls before, in situations where harm was actually shown to me. That was the last time (before my last review) I saw a provider (this was a loooong time ago). I had to do some VERY fast talking to be out only $.5, and of course the money for a new pair of underwear LOL.

I have another question for you.....why did you use, rather then this board or perhaps (or even
If you notice, the Pittsburgh section on this board is not very active. Over the years, I've found Eros to be pretty unreliable with a lot of bait and switch. I am not a premium member of, so I cannot see anyone's contact info. Typically, I will rely on Eccie or Terb. But in the Pennsylvania/Ohio area, Indys seems to be the most popular so thats why I went with it.

I guess its just another reason why Eccie is so important and why its the best!
Yes, the Pittsburgh board here is pretty weak (I checked it out a week or so ago). I have Premium access on (through a review, it expires in a week, but I may just pay the money to re-up in case I don't post another review by then).
Ouch. That really sucks. I had a similar experience once and when you start arguing with a provider, it really is a dangerous game. All they have to do is start screaming and start a scene. The provider I had issues with got extremely LOUD with me. I was attempting to give her a cancellation fee and she flat out demanding the entire fee since she had arrived and she was going to be unable to recoup the fee. I was completely unprepared for her bark and manipulation.

This particular instance was one where the provider wasn't at all attractive. I should have never let her in the room. Once they are in your room, you're stuck if they get nasty. Unfortunately, it's all part of the being a hobbyist. It just is going to happen at some point. I always open the door slowly now and if they aren't what the doctor ordered, I had them a cancellation fee which they readily take and close the door. If they want to rant in the hallway, they can go ahead.
  • gushi
  • 07-13-2010, 07:55 AM
i have used many times when i visited pittsburgh...and have found that site to be very reliable as far as reviews go and general attitude of providers. I think maybe you just got a bad apple....sorry for your waste of time and money.
lovejenna's Avatar
I just came back from visiting Pittsburgh...that's a funny little board they have down there....I thought so anyway...I got stories from gents that the board has taken a turn for the worse over the past isn't to popular out there, leaving indys the best thing goin....too bad cuz the quality of girls wasn't too great either...any who...try TER....
ANONONE's Avatar
Sorry about your luck. Indys used to be pretty reliable, but i heard they have been slipping lately. Of course it might not be the board, it could be they, like all the boards are getting more and more new providers (heck the hobby is getting new women all the time in this economy) so in general decorum is slipping.

One thing did trouble me. . .

She announced that she had not brought any protection and it was my responsibility to have it anyways. Again, in 10+ years, I have NEVER seen a provider who travels without any protection.
You don't carry a back-up? After all these years? Not trying to lecture you, but dude, always have an extra condom or two in your shower kit if it is an outcall or hip pocket if it is an incall.

Of course, I learned the hard way years ago. Maybe we all need to learn it with a sting once. Hopefully there are some other gents out there reading this and can benefit:

Effective Hobbying Lesson #47:
Always have your own condoms. Heck, even bring a variety including polyurethanes in case they try to tell you they have a latex allergy. Yes, the con artists posing as providers will try it if they think they can float it by you.
pyramider's Avatar
Does the condom that is still in his wallet from twenty years ago still count as a backup?
ANONONE's Avatar
Good advice guys. I guess I've just gotten lazy lately.

As for an update, I tried to submit my account in the reviews section of and it was denied by the moderator. Apparantly, in order to post reviews on their board, you either have to pay a fee or be vouched my a regular provider.

Apparantly, their board is not concerned with protecting their hobbyists. Live and learn I guess. But at least it made for some good conversation on here.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Awww sweets, I am so sorry that you had a bad experience with one of us Indy girls. The board and vouch system on Indys are there to protect both parties. I feel that you should write her a review (PM me about it). It is unfortunate that not being a part of the vouch system had a negative impact on your experience.
She may be an Indys girl but that doesn't mean she is to Indys caliber.
I honestly LOVE that site and feel more comfortable there. I just recently joined this site because it is more active in our area and I am working solo. The downfalls here are that it requires a lot more screening due to the lack of a vouch system and lack of instant access to other girls for refs.
This site has treated me well since I joined. I used to do duos with Beautiful and didn't join until I started working solo only. I am still learning the site and would like to become more active on the boards.
lovejenna's Avatar
The ONLY "vouch" systems I trust are datecheck. P411 and rs2k...Every hobbiest should join one..I think datecheck is the best...if there is any gent reading this, and we have met before, please PM or emIl me and i will bet u all set up on datecheck and you will never have to worry about references again...
It's so awesome!