
This is a quiz for anyone interested in local LE issues.

Every member of the APD has to have their names on a database which is available to anyone.

Does anyone know where this publicly-available list may be found?
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-22-2010, 01:27 PM
No idea; interesting if true. 2000 names, really?
What use would this information be? They all have fake, government issued IDs, in fake names. H
Guest062010's Avatar
Good thing you have UBER Hawt babes, otherwise I don't think anyone would call you after your last two posts. You're kinda sounding nuts. And not loony "fun" like myself mind you... no..no.. your last two threads have been bizarre and honestly I can't find anything useful or handy in what you post. So what gives man? Why ya sitting around thinking up the most kooky crap to post?
Trying to be like <W> he who shall not be named and keep things wacky and angry around here? Trying to make sure the cops who happen upon this site will surely be pissed? Cuz that's all I'm reading. In one thread you did nothing but degrade us gals on EVERY level and in this one, you wanna get us all to find out the secrets of the fuzz via you??? HUH??

Cheeze Louize..
Baloney Pony's Avatar

Every member of the APD has to have their names on a database which is available to anyone.
Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Howdy, Folks!

Statute, please.

Here ya go: http://law.onecle.com/texas/

You can start there, and provide the link from there or from the County or City stating that this is so.

Not asking *where* this "...publicly-available list may be found," just asking for the statute showing it can legally exist.

I know some providers are afraid of police, but that's fear arising out of ignorance.

If you know what you're doing, in a place like Austin you should have no fear of the police. But you have to know the landscape. I choose not to fly blind. Because I'm doing this I prefer to know something about the prosecutorial and police practices here, afterall, such can vary widely from place to place.

Police are human beings, just trying to do a job, and the police in this area are very much improved in professionalism and integrity over the twenty years since I first lived here.

I know people who communicate with the police, even about what we do here, and I can tell you that they do look at this board, not because they want to harm you, but because it's part of their assigned duties.

In terms of the question I posed, here's a hint. The database is something related to organized labor and it's regulations.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 03-23-2010, 08:42 PM
I would look for a payroll database, and since they are paid with tax dollars, you should be able to get it with an open records request.
But, would you really want to do a FOI request for LE? Especially knowing they WILL do a reverse search on you, including finding out your usual IP addy's and sites visited? And yes, they will do it...either under the patriot act or some other loop hole.

Every member of the APD has to have their names on a database which is available to anyone.
Can you site the source of this absolute *fact*?
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 03-23-2010, 09:34 PM
FOI is federal. State is 'open records'. You would not do it online, because you will have to pay for the printing costs - and it isn't like they have a web page to order stuff. It would be in person or by phone or mail. I doubt that they require an ID for a request, and if you do it in person and pay cash, there isn't a trail.

Requests happen occasionally when someone doesn't get a job they applied for and gets pissed off.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-23-2010, 11:14 PM
This is kind of like a submarine using active sonar to locate another submarine. Sure you will find it, but you will also attract its attention.

Reminds me of a saying about letting sleeping dogs lie.
Look up austinsalaries.com

all city salaries and names posted for austin, round rock, georgetown and san marcos....
Whether FOI or "open records" typically a formal document is completed to request such including the "who" is doing the reequest. You can't just walk into someplace and ask for the information... Here's a good summary http://www.txstate.edu/about/open_records_act.html

I'm willing to bet the Austinsalaries.com does not include all police officers - ie those that are undercover, see the link of open records in Texas - protect or priveliged pops into my head.

Who wants to make such a request and report back to the board how it went? Bueller? Bueller?
Guest062010's Avatar
*crickets chirping*
Nadiya's Avatar
http://www.austinpolice.com/magline pdfs/2007-vol1.pdf

heres the vice link w some pics

I will PM you the entire list as soon as I can.