Let's all help reward Becky & T-Bone

ControlFreak's Avatar
It is not hard to reward Becky & T-Bone, I have referred 5 people myself that have joined, and I really have not even tried hard to do it. As posted earlier we can sit around and complain about things we don't like elsewhere or we can do something positive. If a dummy like me can get 5 new members in 2 months everyone can. Do the math 1117 current members * 5 = 5585 members. With Craigslist in trouble, BP being unreliable, ASPD down for who knows how long, we can easily have 6000 members by the end of July. It is not a difficult sell. It has everything the community could want except history and we can create that quickly. How many times have I read anything older than 6 months is of no value because people change, gang we are almost half way to 6 months, history is being taking care of.
Waldo666's Avatar
whats going on with this thread