Eccie's undisputed champion "ROCKERRICK". Lets congratulate him and give him his just due.

wakethefuckup's Avatar
Yes fellow board members feel free to share your thoughts. ROCKERRICK has admitted and published on more than one occasion that he has had over a 100 handles while banned and as a matter of proving his point. 20 at a time he says. He is also behind female handles.

Now recently we had a new board member come on board. UpYoursRickyDickNose. The guy posts 10 times and is banned. I read his posts. Compared to Rockerrick nothing he said could have possibly got him banned that quickly. Not with the moderation here in Austin. Last I heard talking in the third person wasn't against the guidelines. But something tells me we will never hear from UpYoursRickyDickNose ever again.

So a very interesting question. Why does the staff allow ROCKERRICK to keep coming back to this ROCKERRICK handle? He has stated he could care less about anyone here. Told the entire community to go FUCK THEMSELVES. So why is it NOT permanently banned?

Everyone has watched ROCKERRICK and his lies, crusades and assaults over the years and he would get banned. Next thing you know he has a new handle it doesn't take long for the Midget Cowboy to show himself. The handle gets banned and then the process is repeated till his ban is finished.

If Whispers, Mata Leon, TreeTop or Still Looking did this do you guys think the staff / owners would allow them back?

Old 10-09-2017, 09:34 PM #41
I Just Don't Give A Fuck

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Join Date: Jan 22, 2011
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The review is not fake... the Greek is added as a favor.
Are you still butthurt that you are a closeted homosexual who is stupid enough to have hookers to his home, and then too big a pussy to name the hooker you say ripped you off?
Because you are scared you let said rip off hooker know where you live and your biz?
lolololololol what a colossal fucking idiot move.
I hope that rip off bitch reads this and blackmails the fucking living shit out of your gay ass.

Oh and I write reviews for PA, I don't give a fuck about a single one of you mongers. I don't give a fuck if you read them, I don't give a fuck if you like them... I have my PA, oh by the way over a hundred handles Sirgenrous... I'm sure you've read plenty of them... lololololol
I'll say it again, none of the reviews are real, they are exaggerations of your own little egos, pimp promotions, chicks getting PA, egomaniac dumbfucks who get their self esteem from getting favors for their reviews... Basically all full of shit!!!!

Only thing worth a fuck in a review is the rate, TCB, and proximity of location.
The rest is "Letters To Penthouse"!
My dick so big give her 100's O's lololololol
They would not

Another one?

Obsessed little stalker.

How's the hobbying going for you two losers?
Another attention seeking whore rant!!!
wakethefuckup's Avatar
They would not Originally Posted by Mata Leon
hey mata did you notice the midget cowboy who originally said we were the same person NOW says we are two different people?
You are two handles, where are getting your idiotic bullshit?

Obsess all you want you fucking pussy... grow your balls and come do something about it!
winn dixie's Avatar
Dude you are so wrong with your ASSumptions !! But carry on ! This is funny shit!

You're getting very close to fp's level of paranoia and ranting !
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Yes fellow board members feel free to share your thoughts. ROCKERRICK has admitted and published on more than one occasion that he has had over a 100 handles while banned and as a matter of proving his point. 20 at a time he says. He is also behind female handles.

Now recently we had a new board member come on board. UpYoursRickyDickNose. The guy posts 10 times and is banned. I read his posts. Compared to Rockerrick nothing he said could have possibly got him banned that quickly. Not with the moderation here in Austin. Last I heard talking in the third person wasn't against the guidelines. But something tells me we will never hear from UpYoursRickyDickNose ever again.

So a very interesting question. Why does the staff allow ROCKERRICK to keep coming back to this ROCKERRICK handle? He has stated he could care less about anyone here. Told the entire community to go FUCK THEMSELVES. So why is it NOT permanently banned?

Everyone has watched ROCKERRICK and his lies, crusades and assaults over the years and he would get banned. Next thing you know he has a new handle it doesn't take long for the Midget Cowboy to show himself. The handle gets banned and then the process is repeated till his ban is finished.

If Whispers, Mata Leon, TreeTop or Still Looking did this do you guys think the staff / owners would allow them back?

Old 10-09-2017, 09:34 PM #41
I Just Don't Give A Fuck

rockerrick's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 22, 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 18,209
Reviews: 63
The review is not fake... the Greek is added as a favor.
Are you still butthurt that you are a closeted homosexual who is stupid enough to have hookers to his home, and then too big a pussy to name the hooker you say ripped you off?
Because you are scared you let said rip off hooker know where you live and your biz?
lolololololol what a colossal fucking idiot move.
I hope that rip off bitch reads this and blackmails the fucking living shit out of your gay ass.

Oh and I write reviews for PA, I don't give a fuck about a single one of you mongers. I don't give a fuck if you read them, I don't give a fuck if you like them... I have my PA, oh by the way over a hundred handles Sirgenrous... I'm sure you've read plenty of them... lololololol
I'll say it again, none of the reviews are real, they are exaggerations of your own little egos, pimp promotions, chicks getting PA, egomaniac dumbfucks who get their self esteem from getting favors for their reviews... Basically all full of shit!!!!

Only thing worth a fuck in a review is the rate, TCB, and proximity of location.
The rest is "Letters To Penthouse"!
My dick so big give her 100's O's lololololol
Originally Posted by wakethefuckup
lets stay on topic children.
wakethefuckup's Avatar

Another one?

Obsessed little stalker.

How's the hobbying going for you two losers? Originally Posted by rockerrick
You are two handles, where are getting your idiotic bullshit?

Obsess all you want you fucking pussy... grow your balls and come do something about it! Originally Posted by rockerrick
hate being embarrassed midget cowboy?
When you come up with one obsessed troll.
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Yes fellow board members feel free to share your thoughts. ROCKERRICK has admitted and published on more than one occasion that he has had over a 100 handles while banned and as a matter of proving his point. 20 at a time he says. He is also behind female handles.

Now recently we had a new board member come on board. UpYoursRickyDickNose. The guy posts 10 times and is banned. I read his posts. Compared to Rockerrick nothing he said could have possibly got him banned that quickly. Not with the moderation here in Austin. Last I heard talking in the third person wasn't against the guidelines. But something tells me we will never hear from UpYoursRickyDickNose ever again.

So a very interesting question. Why does the staff allow ROCKERRICK to keep coming back to this ROCKERRICK handle? He has stated he could care less about anyone here. Told the entire community to go FUCK THEMSELVES. So why is it NOT permanently banned?

Everyone has watched ROCKERRICK and his lies, crusades and assaults over the years and he would get banned. Next thing you know he has a new handle it doesn't take long for the Midget Cowboy to show himself. The handle gets banned and then the process is repeated till his ban is finished.

If Whispers, Mata Leon, TreeTop or Still Looking did this do you guys think the staff / owners would allow them back?

Old 10-09-2017, 09:34 PM #41
I Just Don't Give A Fuck

rockerrick's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 22, 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 18,209
Reviews: 63
The review is not fake... the Greek is added as a favor.
Are you still butthurt that you are a closeted homosexual who is stupid enough to have hookers to his home, and then too big a pussy to name the hooker you say ripped you off?
Because you are scared you let said rip off hooker know where you live and your biz?
lolololololol what a colossal fucking idiot move.
I hope that rip off bitch reads this and blackmails the fucking living shit out of your gay ass.

Oh and I write reviews for PA, I don't give a fuck about a single one of you mongers. I don't give a fuck if you read them, I don't give a fuck if you like them... I have my PA, oh by the way over a hundred handles Sirgenrous... I'm sure you've read plenty of them... lololololol
I'll say it again, none of the reviews are real, they are exaggerations of your own little egos, pimp promotions, chicks getting PA, egomaniac dumbfucks who get their self esteem from getting favors for their reviews... Basically all full of shit!!!!

Only thing worth a fuck in a review is the rate, TCB, and proximity of location.
The rest is "Letters To Penthouse"!
My dick so big give her 100's O's lololololol
Originally Posted by wakethefuckup
Poor little obsessed broken record.
Truly pathetic
Hey you idiot do you not see no one gives a shit about your rants. No one believes a pussy man on this board. Now just be the valued trick you think you are. No one cares about you they only care about your money. LMFAO
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Yes fellow board members feel free to share your thoughts. ROCKERRICK has admitted and published on more than one occasion that he has had over a 100 handles while banned and as a matter of proving his point. 20 at a time he says. He is also behind female handles.

Now recently we had a new board member come on board. UpYoursRickyDickNose. The guy posts 10 times and is banned. I read his posts. Compared to Rockerrick nothing he said could have possibly got him banned that quickly. Not with the moderation here in Austin. Last I heard talking in the third person wasn't against the guidelines. But something tells me we will never hear from UpYoursRickyDickNose ever again.

So a very interesting question. Why does the staff allow ROCKERRICK to keep coming back to this ROCKERRICK handle? He has stated he could care less about anyone here. Told the entire community to go FUCK THEMSELVES. So why is it NOT permanently banned?

Everyone has watched ROCKERRICK and his lies, crusades and assaults over the years and he would get banned. Next thing you know he has a new handle it doesn't take long for the Midget Cowboy to show himself. The handle gets banned and then the process is repeated till his ban is finished.

If Whispers, Mata Leon, TreeTop or Still Looking did this do you guys think the staff / owners would allow them back?

Old 10-09-2017, 09:34 PM #41
I Just Don't Give A Fuck

rockerrick's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 22, 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 18,209
Reviews: 63
The review is not fake... the Greek is added as a favor.
Are you still butthurt that you are a closeted homosexual who is stupid enough to have hookers to his home, and then too big a pussy to name the hooker you say ripped you off?
Because you are scared you let said rip off hooker know where you live and your biz?
lolololololol what a colossal fucking idiot move.
I hope that rip off bitch reads this and blackmails the fucking living shit out of your gay ass.

Oh and I write reviews for PA, I don't give a fuck about a single one of you mongers. I don't give a fuck if you read them, I don't give a fuck if you like them... I have my PA, oh by the way over a hundred handles Sirgenrous... I'm sure you've read plenty of them... lololololol
I'll say it again, none of the reviews are real, they are exaggerations of your own little egos, pimp promotions, chicks getting PA, egomaniac dumbfucks who get their self esteem from getting favors for their reviews... Basically all full of shit!!!!

Only thing worth a fuck in a review is the rate, TCB, and proximity of location.
The rest is "Letters To Penthouse"!
My dick so big give her 100's O's lololololol
Originally Posted by wakethefuckup
Come with something new. Not some old boring shit that others have already brought up