Really bad news for us libtards..

  • pxmcc
  • 11-05-2023, 08:04 AM
Trump is leading Biden in many battleground states. if Biden can't close the gap, he needs to step aside. in 2024, nothing short of the fate of democracy is on the ballot. Trump is angling for dictatorship.

and he has alienated his entire Muslim base, who will most likely just stay home after this Israeli caper. in Michigan, that's a big. fucking. deal.

i can't believe voters have such a short memory. historians have placed Trump as the 3rd worst president in history. Obama comes in at a fantastic #10; history will judge Biden well imo.
Biden has done more to harm this country than any single president in my lifetime. Credit card debt is at record levels. His foreign policy weakness and policies has lead to two wars. Biden has totally polticized the Federal Judicial system. It is obvious to any thinking person that the Biden family got rich by selling out the United States and accepting bribes from other countries. If Biden and Democrats win, the United States as a Constitutional republic with people having many freedoms is over.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden has done more to harm this country than any single president in my lifetime. Credit card debt is at record levels. His foreign policy weakness and policies has lead to two wars. Biden has totally polticized the Federal Judicial system. It is obvious to any thinking person that the Biden family got rich by selling out the United States and accepting bribes from other countries. If Biden and Democrats win, the United States as a Constitutional republic with people having many freedoms is over. Originally Posted by farmstud60

That is patently untrue. The whining of the RWW is astoundingly high.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

That is patently untrue. The whining of the RWW is astoundingly high. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
one like for the post above ya
Yssup Rider's Avatar
one like for the post above ya Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
If you say so

That is patently untrue. The whining of the RWW is astoundingly high. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

That is totally true. Wake up to reality instead of the totalitarian lies told by todays leaders of the Democrat party
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That is totally true. Wake up to reality instead of the totalitarian lies told by todays leaders of the Democrat party Originally Posted by farmstud60
I’m certain you can back up your claims with credible citation.

Please help us out here, stud.

Thank you kindly
texassapper's Avatar
Biden has done more to harm this country than any single president in my lifetime. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Same same... and I'm old enough to remember the Carter era. It's not really Bidens fault... he's a puppet. I believe it's really Obama and the commies behind him that are controlling things.. hence all of the Biden regime vacations to the Chinese money bought Rehobath... where they don't have to maintain visitor logs.

We're just living in the end of the Republic era. Much like those who lived through the collapse of the Roman Republic, we get bread and circuses... our nation is now host to a third world military horde that is simply waiting to become the Obama era "Civil Defense" force. We're a national powder keg waiting for a spark. People are already re-aligning regionally... and at some point the Federal government will do something stupid and over-reaching... say another Waco, or scam demic. and local folks will respond in some way that escalates the situation and suddenly States will be at odds with the Federal government. Something will happen. it might be tomorrow or 5 years from now.. but it's going to happen.

I don't think Trump will survive 2024. The corrupt powers in the Federal government can't allow it. But they also know he can't be outright assassinated. So it's going to have to look natural.. I'm figuring poison... or maybe their plan is to wax Biden and put Newsom into the Presidency with the same ballot fraud as 2020.

I know people argue "where are the trials?" yadda yadda yadda. But nothing ever went to trial... the Courts punted. And so for those that believe the theft, there was no audit of the results between the mail in ballots and legitimate addresses/signatures... the video of the fraud in Georgia has never been explained... Hey I'd love to be proven wrong, to lay it all to bed. But the people that should be most interested in PROVING me wrong don't want to make the effort... quite the opposite, they attempt to censor and censure any discussion of it. I'd know that if I had committed fraud in the same manner which of the two paths (transparency or obfuscation) I would follow. And that's why no one believes shit about what the government is claiming.

So at the end of the day, perception is reality. 50% of the nation perceives that there was fraud in the 2020 election. That's simply a fact. And there's nothing short of a transparent accounting that is going to change those peoples minds. So if/when there appears to be fraud or some other type of interference (Hello gag orders) in the upcoming election, it's going to push that 50% into a camp where they feel they are no longer represented by their elected officials.... and yet they are taxed to no end.

Americans are a nation of tax haters... imagine if, for the taxes they pay, they also get to feel dis-enfranchised? No one likes to pay the mob for protection money... which is what it is becoming. When enough people decide to fight the mob, bad things are going to happen.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government". That sentence is still as valid today as it was 250 years ago.

Next year is going to be spicy for sure.... more ethnic rioting to bring out the minority voter base... The Democrats aren't going to enjoy the world they are building.
I’m certain you can back up your claims with credible citation.

Please help us out here, stud.

Thank you kindly Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

There are no sources that you believe except the totalitarian idiot press corps like CNN.

Just read and there are plenty of real links and info from congressional hearings. Especially on the Biden corruption.
adav8s28's Avatar
Trump is leading Biden in many battleground states. if Biden can't close the gap, he needs to step aside. in 2024, nothing short of the fate of democracy is on the ballot. Trump is angling for dictatorship.

and he has alienated his entire Muslim base, who will most likely just stay home after this Israeli caper. in Michigan, that's a big. fucking. deal.

i can't believe voters have such a short memory. historians have placed Trump as the 3rd worst president in history. Obama comes in at a fantastic #10; history will judge Biden well imo. Originally Posted by pxmcc
I don't have an account so I could not read the whole article. What i could see was that Trump leads Biden in five of the six most important battleground states. What are those six states? I am not worried about poles right now. Remember HRC was leading Tump in the poles 12 monthes before the election and lost the Electoral College. I want to see what Real Clear Politics (Sean Hannity's favorite polster) has in six months. I don't see Trump flipping Mich, Penn or Wisc. He would need all three to beat Sleepy Joe and Kamala.

Go Sleepy Joe.
Go Kamala.
adav8s28's Avatar
Biden has done more to harm this country than any single president in my lifetime. Credit card debt is at record levels. His foreign policy weakness and policies has lead to two wars. Biden has totally polticized the Federal Judicial system. It is obvious to any thinking person that the Biden family got rich by selling out the United States and accepting bribes from other countries. If Biden and Democrats win, the United States as a Constitutional republic with people having many freedoms is over. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Under Biden and Harris wages are up and unemployment is low. If you have a GED and want to make $165,000 in income, get a job at UPS for 40 hours a week (daytime) for $100,000. Get a night time job at QT gas station in North Dallas for $65,000. All you have to do is work the cashier and stock shelves. You just have to be willing to work an 80 work week. Capitalism is working in America!
not concerned. polls a year out mean nothing.

if we worried about polls republicans would have a 50 seat advantage in the house and a 1 seat advantage in the Senate.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Carter was likeable, but not good in charge at US
Joe is not likeable, and who ever pulling his strings make Carter look awesome
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Under Biden and Harris wages are up and unemployment is low. If you have a GED and want to make $165,000 in income, get a job at UPS for 40 hours a week (daytime) for $100,000. Get a night time job at QT gas station in North Dallas for $65,000. All you have to do is work the cashier and stock shelves. You just have to be willing to work an 80 [hour] work week. Capitalism is working in America! Originally Posted by adav8s28

adav8s28's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Working the 80 hour work week at UPS & QT gas station to make $165,000 was Waco Kid's idea. Ha Ha. The socialism spiel that you continue to push just does not fly bro. You act like capitalism has led to feudalism where everyone was either a lord or a surf and there was no middle class.