Ya thinck?????

Biden’s Soft Infrastructure Agenda May Not Boost Growth
Evidence of impact on economic output to support Democrats’ multitrillion-dollar proposal is contested

Biden has described this as “once-in-a-generation investment” in the economy.

Investment generally refers to spending that yields a stream of benefits years into the future, making the economy larger and more productive

Most agree that items funded by the bipartisan bill such as roads, bridges and airports—referred to as hard infrastructure—qualify as investment. But research is less supportive that things in the reconciliation bill such as free community college, expanded Medicare eligibility and benefits, and paid family leave—called soft infrastructure—would boost economic growth.
And the 3.5 Trillion, that's Trillion with a T, is in trouble because the media isn't "selling" it enough!!!

Ya can't make this shit up!!

Pelosi, Sanders and the Media

Manufacturers of piss poor products often blame the marketing team.
Stop the Pelosi Press

Frustrated by the inability of Democrats to cram through President Joe Biden’s unprecedented $3.5 trillion welfare-state expansion, House speaker Nancy Pelosi recently lectured the political media on the poor job they’ve done selling the bill. Lo and behold, a few days after Pelosi’s grousing, a slew of stories appeared in major publications like the New York Times that ratcheted up attacks on moderate Democrats like Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin for their alleged dereliction of duty.
What was once merely bias in reporting has evolved into full-blown partisan crusading.
rooster's Avatar
What was once merely bias in reporting has evolved into full-blown partisan crusading. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Thankfully, there is none of that here.

(just how many threAds do you have about this kinda shit now? whew...)


(just how many threAds do you have about this kinda shit now? whew...)

. Originally Posted by rooster
About a tenth of the amount that I could have.....

We glossed right over the Afghanistan debacle....
Still waiting on a "The buck stops here" moment instead of the excuses he piles on top of one another.....

or whoever it is that's calling the shots.....

Maybe he'll tell us in his next press conference.... oh wait... somebody put a stop to those....
More "ya thinck???":

San Francisco Has Become a Shoplifter’s Paradise
Walgreens has closed 22 stores in the city, where thefts under $950 are effectively decriminalized.
rooster's Avatar
Anyone with as much time on their hands as you could start just as many about the...other party. And they would look just as bad.

What's the point, when ya get down to it? No one is convincing anyone of anything. All the minds are made up. Doing stuff like this is just getting people more riled up about things they are already riled up about. And not in a good way. Yer gonna pop a vein or sumthin...

Hard2 is right. This forum has become a real POS. I regret helping with that. A little. But it's soooo hard to resist when simpletons like spots, Bestie and FATs post their drivel, tho...

[QUOTE=rooster;1062627349 Doing stuff like this is just getting people more riled up about things they are already riled up about. And not in a good way. [/QUOTE]
