The Texarkana corridor?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was discussing some summer travel plans that I have for the summer and my girlfriend was mentioning about a strip of road, while heading out of Dallas towards Shreveport, that she said always made her nervous.

She said that it was known as an area that bad people tend to travel down with contraband, etc., and that there were cameras and video that took xray pictures of the inside of your vehicle.

Well, I have no plans to have anything illegal in my vehicle but I DO PLAN on having toys, anal hooks, vibrators and God knows what else, in the trunk.

I'm already pretty comfortable knowing the the 5-Dildo Rule isn't in effect anymore in Texas but can anyone share some light on this information?

I've never heard of it! And frankly, this is a long trip that I'm planning and I wish to avoid any unpleasantness from the get-go.

Traveler64's Avatar
I've never anything regarding that road and I've been around here for a long time. But I'll admit that I haven't heard of an anal hook either.

So for anyone else that is uniformed you can start here:

Happy motoring.
pyramider's Avatar
Any Interstate is a thoroughfare for drugs and contraband. Border Patrol used to set up stings along I-10 years ago in Louisiana.
There is a lot of LE on i30 between Rockwall and Texarkana...especially between Sulphur Springs and Mt Pleasant. I have family in that area, and they tell me there are tins of drugs running up I30. I went to my niece's graduation 2 weeks ago and saw at least 10 state troopers in a 20 mile stretch of highway.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Why in the world would there be such a bother of these highways in Texas as compared to any other highway in Texas? And I think my friend was referring to I20. Not sure, though.
pyramider's Avatar
Thinck about it ... It would be easier to run some product along an interstate where 100,000s of cars and trucks roll. Just blend in. Rather than a country highway where only 100 cars and trucks roll, you stick out.

Any interstate has heavy LE presence.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Fair enough. Probably a dumb topic to begin with. When my friend was telling me what she did about this section of road, it seemed interesting.

Oh well.
Wascom cops love to run radar on I-20 at the Louisiana border.

In general, the cops in these locales have learned that with a little work, if they can get probable cause to pull someone over on these interstates, the lottery odds of finding something bigger to charge them with is better than normal.

In Mississippi, along I-10, sherrif learned that the drug running as well as some illegal people moving was pretty high. Anytime he stopped an 18 wheeler for any reason, he would inspect the cargo and bring out the drug sniffing dog. Not sure what the rate of arrest was, maybe one in a thousand, maybe one in ten-thousand, didn't matter. When he got a bust, especially a big bust, it was front page news. He then could just post copies of the news in his next election and was perceived as tough on crime.

(I am not saying what he was doing was wrong, just explaining the why)

Drive at the speed limit, drive safely with your seat belts fastened, drive a non-flashy car with inspection up to date, plates up to date, and insurance, and not likely to see any trouble.
Xray inside your moving vehicle, Dont think that will happen.

But you can get stopped along these highways. The local authorities support the local governments through traffic enforcement and seizing vehicles and cash. Yes they can take your cash without due process. A large amount of cash can be seized, you have to try and prove that the cash was not from illegal sources.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 05-29-2012, 01:00 PM
May be, if a llady cop xrays your vehicle, she might decide to join you guys.