A take on the 25th Amendment

bambino's Avatar

Do the Democrats want to roll the dice?
winn dixie's Avatar
They bought it. They can own it now.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'd have to look back in my posts, but, I previously mentioned that Nancy could end up with it if there's no vp
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'd have to look back in my posts, but, I previously mentioned that Nancy could end up with it if there's no vp Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
disagree with that notion.

there have been a few presidents that went thru a term without a VP and never nominated one. President Tyler was one.

Nixon was without a VP for a few months after Spiro Agnew resigned. Ford was later nominated.

it would be up to Kamala to nominate someone for VP after she's president. she likely would not have a VP for a few months.

the step up the chain isn't automatic.

the chain of succession only covers when the president dies, there isn't one for VP.

Nixon/Agnew/Ford is more analogous to the Biden/Harris/X situation.

Do the Democrats want to roll the dice? Originally Posted by bambino
If Trump wasn't removed with the 25th it will never be used. Might as well throw out the amendment.
bambino's Avatar
If Trump wasn't removed with the 25th it will never be used. Might as well throw out the amendment. Originally Posted by royamcr
After they take out Joey Bribes, it will be known as the Biden Amendment.
LexusLover's Avatar
If Trump wasn't removed with the 25th it will never be used. Might as well throw out the amendment. Originally Posted by royamcr
OJ wasn't convicted of murdering his wife. The "murder statute" is still applied, although not consistently throughout California especially if the potential defendant is a Antifa or BLM member. Equal protection doesn't exist there ... yet.

Was there ever a vote on Trump for the 25th amendment? You seem to have joined the Bloviating Caucus.
ICU 812's Avatar
If Trump wasn't removed with the 25th it will never be used. Might as well throw out the amendment. Originally Posted by royamcr
Anyone remember the movie "Dave"? In that fictional story, a "bad" president has a severe stroke and is replaced by his body double temporarily. It has a happy ending.

Since the primary season, I have had a serious premonition that President Biden has a genuine medical condition (I dont't know what it is) that will prevent him from completing a single full four year term. I think this was known before the election. In my opinion, he was hesitant to run in the begining, entering the primary race quite late, but only after being convinced that he'd only need to serve for a few months or two years at most, just till the progressive agenda was passed through (they thought they'd have both houses). The idea would be for him to then resign with "for reasons of health" and rtetire with honor and accolades.

At this point, they do not yet have much of their agenda in pace nd we are now all talking about the mid-terms. I am afraid for the President as his health seems to be deteriorating in wys that can no longer be explained away as "gaffs". Without malice I say that he may simply not be able to function as a coherent, mentally competent person at some point. well before the mid-term elections in late 2022.

If President Biden cannot function, t the 25th Amendment will then give us VP Harris as chief Executive.
ICU 812's Avatar
With the above posted:

I would invite anyone with experience dealing with a patient or relative who is in "memory-csre" to comment.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But if Kumala couldn't continue in office for any reason whatsoever, and hadn't been able to get a vp approval from Senate, then Queen Nancy.
I'd have to look back in my posts, but, I previously mentioned that Nancy could end up with it if there's no vp Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Theoretically yes, but The Wicked Witch of the West is more unpopular than Trump. Plus she's almost as mentally and physically unfit to be President as Joe. There would be an uprising.

OJ wasn't convicted of murdering his wife. The "murder statute" is still applied, although not consistently throughout California especially if the potential defendant is a Antifa or BLM member. Equal protection doesn't exist there ... yet.

Was there ever a vote on Trump for the 25th amendment? You seem to have joined the Bloviating Caucus. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's a charter member. Put him on ignore.

But if Kumala couldn't continue in office for any reason whatsoever, and hadn't been able to get a vp approval from Senate, then Queen Nancy. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
They might replace Harris before they replace Joe. Part of the problem is that the Democratic bench is full of old white people.

With the above posted:

I would invite anyone with experience dealing with a patient or relative who is in "memory-csre" to comment. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I opened a thread about how long Joe would last. I believe I said less than a year. Biden's got a lot of people managing his time to as little public appearances as possible. There's no way he read all the 37 EOs he signed in the first couple of days. He could drop dead tomorrow and the media would cheer how Joe decided to take a spontaneous nap.

Remember, he's already had two strokes.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You're spot on except for one thing. If the P and vp musical chairs are both empty, operation of law, the 25th, has Queen Nancy in the 1st chair a few minutes later.
Note that I'm not saying it won't be entertaining.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its all been rolling dice SMH
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
just for kicks, lets assume that peelosi declines to step up the to the president's chair, President pro Tempore "Leaky" Pat Leahy would be next in line.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why do I have images of numerous clowns coming out of a clown car...