missing cobra

sue_nami's Avatar
well you might have heard about the teenager killed by a cobra and that his pet is missing. this is what it looks like so u won;'t be killing every snake you see. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monocled_cobra
The Allnighter's Avatar
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Originally Posted by The Allnighter
But it is sooooo much fun to kill a trouser snake and gobble it up....
Or at least gobble up everything that cums out of it. LOL
The Allnighter's Avatar
You and Kitty Bunny Fuck must think alike, Temptation Tammie!

She killed my trouser snake, and it may never recover!!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Awwwwww. Congrats to her!!
I try not to kill anything at all myself.

If i find a cricket or something inside, I'll just take a piece of paper to pick it up and ill take it outside to be free! Ive been made fun of so many times for doing that but idgaf. Lmao 😉

I guess i really am a hippy at heart. Lol 💋💋💋
sue_nami's Avatar
alas the real cobra is dead, found on I 35 access road about 2 miles away run over, however his spirit is alive and well on facebook and twitter with over 4000 friends already. Keep Austin weird! long live the cobra.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Good riddance to both snake and owner.

It's dipshits like this keeping non-native species like this that leads to things like the pythons and boas invading Florida and devastating the natural wildlife..

Can you imagine how bad it would be if cobras became naturalized around here?

We need to call our elected representatives and see if we can put a stop to this. There's just no justification for having potentially invasive species as pets. It's risky for us, and cruel to the pets.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sadly it is being reported he used the snake to commit suicide...He took it from his house
dragula's Avatar
Should have bought the black mamba instead. They're much faster, for the suicide and not getting run over.
What if it's not the same cobra?
GneissGuy's Avatar
What if it's not the same cobra? Originally Posted by stikiwikit
You mean a cobra not related to the dead guy that was already running around? Doesn't sound likely. Or that he had more than one cobra?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah got e'erybuddy's cobra hangin' rite ch'yar! Ya best watch yerselfs. It's a spitter!
The Allnighter's Avatar
Austin65's Avatar
At least the cobra got to hang out and enjoy the ATX during his few hours of freedom.