Why are you trying to force your religious beliefs onto people while living on a Hooker site?

I don't get it. You right wingers from the party of family values can you answer this question. You're the ones trying to uphold some moral authority over people using scripture and religious convictions to do so. You guys are so hypocritical till it ain't even funny.

Listen I don't believe people should be just one thing. There's some things I'm conservative about and some things I'm liberal about but you religious right folks are typically always out of bounds with your self righteous and arrogant views.

How dare you look down on the president or anyone else while on a hooker site daily. You think being here is in harmony with the religious right agenda?

You folks are UN-freaking-believable as I've previously stated.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't get it. You right wingers from the party of family values can you answer this question. You're the ones trying to uphold some moral authority over people using scripture and religious convictions to do so. You guys are so hypocritical till it ain't even funny.

Listen I don't believe people should be just one thing. There's some things I'm conservative about and some things I'm liberal about but you religious right folks are typically always out of bounds with your self righteous and arrogant views.

How dare you look down on the president or anyone else while on a hooker site daily. You think being here is in harmony with the religious right agenda?

You folks are UN-freaking-believable as I've previously stated.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Suffice it to say you are a certified moron, zany. Yesterday you cited scripture and proclaimed Odumbo was "Christ reborn" and here you are today taking issue with "religious beliefs"!?!?!?! "Hypocrite" is a word too mild to define your mendacious ass, zany.
boardman's Avatar
Don't bother, He's proved himself to be a moron by admitting he responds to posts he doesn't even read. Doesn't get more trollish than that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't get it. You right wingers from the party of family values can you answer this question. You're the ones trying to uphold some moral authority over people using scripture and religious convictions to do so. You guys are so hypocritical till it ain't even funny.

Listen I don't believe people should be just one thing. There's some things I'm conservative about and some things I'm liberal about but you religious right folks are typically always out of bounds with your self righteous and arrogant views.

How dare you look down on the president or anyone else while on a hooker site daily. You think being here is in harmony with the religious right agenda?

You folks are UN-freaking-believable as I've previously stated. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

From the very first sentence your premise is flawed. You hold that any moral value has to have a religious underpinning so if anyone uses a moral argument then they are trying to advance their religion. Okay, if it was true. Alan Dershowitz is a Jewish lawyer who happens to be an atheist. He has written a whole book (a small one to be sure) about having morality that is not based on a religion. Somethings are universal irregardless of your religious beliefs. I practice no religion and I don't push my non religious status on anyone. However, I can recognize "do unto other...", "don't steal", "don't murder", "don't lie (false witness if you will)", "and don't force people to do things against their will".

The long and the short, you're wrong in your premise and I have to wonder who got your panties in a bunch this morning. You must be feeling guilty about something.

Another little thing, a few years ago USA Today did a poll trying to find out who the religious people were in this country. They found them to be almost equally divided between democrats and republicans. Don't forget all them black churches.
Suffice it to say you are a certified moron, zany. Yesterday you cited scripture and proclaimed Odumbo was "Christ reborn" and here you are today taking issue with "religious beliefs"!?!?!?! "Hypocrite" is a word too mild to define your mendacious ass, zany.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And? Belief in God and being religious arent mutually exclusive. I belive in God based on Science you believe in God based on the Bible and religion. So being on this site makes you not me the hypocrite.

Just because Ive read the bible from Genesis to Revelation doesnt make me religious it means I like to read.

You guys espouse Christian behavior as the basis for your faith. I ask then why are you on a hooker site and you have no answer but spin because your heart and conscience obviously condemns you as a hypocrite.

Spin away. Lol
From the very first sentence your premise is flawed. You hold that any moral value has to have a religious underpinning so if anyone uses a moral argument then they are trying to advance their religion. Okay, if it was true. Alan Dershowitz is a Jewish lawyer who happens to be an atheist. He has written a whole book (a small one to be sure) about having morality that is not based on a religion. Somethings are universal irregardless of your religious beliefs. I practice no religion and I don't push my non religious status on anyone. However, I can recognize "do unto other...", "don't steal", "don't murder", "don't lie (false witness if you will)", "and don't force people to do things against their will".

The long and the short, you're wrong in your premise and I have to wonder who got your panties in a bunch this morning. You must be feeling guilty about something.

Another little thing, a few years ago USA Today did a poll trying to find out who the religious people were in this country. They found them to be almost equally divided between democrats and republicans. Don't forget all them black churches. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In America ALL moral value has a religious underpinning. Its what our society was built on even the wickedness of slavery and racism is justified through religious dogma. We have dry counties why? Because of conservative religious lawmakers. We have abortion laws based on the Biblical view of life and conception. We marry only one woman at a time based on scripture. Therefore we shouldnt be giving to the desires of the flesh and fornicating and committing adultry and specifically with hookers as the bible condemns. Right?

You're the religios zealot so answer me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And? Belief in God and being religious arent mutually exclusive. I belive in God based on Science you believe in God based on the Bible and religion. So being on this site makes you not me the hypocrite.

Just because Ive read the bible from Genesis to Revelation doesnt make me religious it means I like to read.

You guys espouse Christian behavior as the basis for your faith. I ask then why are you on a hooker site and you have no answer but spin because your heart and conscience obviously condemns you as a hypocrite.

Spin away. Lol
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're the hypocrite who quoted scripture to support your miscreant and profane notion that a vile and crass politician is "Christ like", zany, so you're the one now doing all of the spinning.
You're the hypocrite who quoted scripture to support your miscreant and profane notion that a vile and crass politician is "Christ like", zany, so you're the one now doing all of the spinning. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You just dont know how to understand. Its ok carry on.
I don't get it. You right wingers from the party of family values can you answer this question. You're the ones trying to uphold some moral authority over people using scripture and religious convictions to do so. You guys are so hypocritical till it ain't even funny.

Listen I don't believe people should be just one thing. There's some things I'm conservative about and some things I'm liberal about but you religious right folks are typically always out of bounds with your self righteous and arrogant views.

How dare you look down on the president or anyone else while on a hooker site daily. You think being here is in harmony with the religious right agenda?

You folks are UN-freaking-believable as I've previously stated. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
What's the big deal about religion on a hooker board .Hookers need religion just like everyone else. In fact every hooker I've ever seen gets into a deep prayer mode. They always start off with " Oh My God" then it just escalates from there. Many of them are also good singers too, they can hit those high C's like nothing else.


What's the big deal about religion on a hooker board .Hookers need religion just like everyone else. In fact every hooker I've ever seen gets into a deep prayer mode. They always start off with " Oh My God" then it just escalates from there. Many of them are also good singers too, they can hit those high C's like nothing else.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Spin away brother. Just dont expect to be greeted at the pearly gates of heaven. Lol
I B Hankering's Avatar
You just dont know how to understand. Its ok carry on. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Gruber explained it all, zany. Gruber defined you as one of the stupid Odumbo minions, zany. It's evident that you're so stupid, zany, you would, on bended knee, grant deity status to and worship your vile, crass community organizer turned demagogue: Odumbo.
Spin away brother. Just dont expect to be greeted at the pearly gates of heaven. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
What makes you think I won't? Because I won't worship Obama. God doesn't care how I feel about Obama.

rioseco's Avatar
I don't get it. You right wingers from the party of family values can you answer this question. You're the ones trying to uphold some moral authority over people using scripture and religious convictions to do so. You guys are so hypocritical till it ain't even funny.

Listen I don't believe people should be just one thing. There's some things I'm conservative about and some things I'm liberal about but you religious right folks are typically always out of bounds with your self righteous and arrogant views.

How dare you look down on the president or anyone else while on a hooker site daily. You think being here is in harmony with the religious right agenda?

You folks are UN-freaking-believable as I've previously stated. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Youre are correct, us rightwingers should not be preaching from this site. I for one will mend my ways just as soon as you get your jihadist president to stop talking the K.J. Version from his gay bathhouse and baby killing laboratory.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Youre are correct, us rightwingers should not be preaching from this site. I for one will mend my ways just as soon as you get your jihadist president to stop talking the K.J. Version from his gay bathhouse and baby killing laboratory. Originally Posted by rioseco
I'm sure there is something in the fucking bible that confirms ALL of those beliefs as being Christian, or that confirms POTUS as ANY of the horrible things you say he is.

I'm beginning to think you really are Slobbrin's roomate at the State School.

What an ignorant fuck!
rioseco's Avatar
I'm sure there is something in the fucking bible that confirms ALL of those beliefs as being Christian, or that confirms POTUS as ANY of the horrible things you say he is.

I'm beginning to think you really are Slobbrin's roomate at the State School.

What an ignorant fuck! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
"Ignorant Puck, Ignorant Puck........"

At the state school.......LMAO
I mean really Assup the Asshole Baby, sometimes you make me laugh Again Douche Bag, thank you.
As for your other lame ass comment. One doesnt have to be a bible scholar to have moral values. Same could be said about your puppet master Obammenijihad and the constitution. Harvard my ass, that punk got an honorary degree at Prarie View A&M. They also lied and told the stupid bastard that he was a constitutional scholar.
The s.o.b. is a constitutional shredder at best !
Bitch ass, punk ass flunkie politurd Barry.