Awarding the Purple Heart: new changes

Mature Companion's Avatar
As someone who holds a special place in my heart for those who've served & are serving our Country.
I was happy to see tonight's news broadcast indicating that the Pentagon has broadened the combat injuries eligible for rewarding of the Purple Heart. The Purple Heart will now be rewarded to those who've incurred concussions during combat and other non-visible combat injuries. Unlike in the past where the Purple Heart was only rewarded to
those who had visible combat injuries.
I feel this is good news. Albeit, it comes late for some.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good news & well deserved it is WM!!!
Thanks for putting this out there as they need our support.... past, present & future!!

and not just because I have a military fetish
another broken tradition (:

almost as bad as friggin clerks wearing black berets
(only Rangers wore them,before)

a touchy-feely to all
gimme_that's Avatar
I'm prior military...and I think this addition isn't good. Has too much of a tendency to be abuse and I have seen it personally.

I've also seen instances where people were so gung ho about trying to receive a purple heart they would squueeze their hand on a piece of glass or scrapnel just to gain one through the laceration or burn on the skin.

I liked the old way better, it can now be abused now to a certain extent.....although there are situations where it can be helpful, people getting hit by improvised explosive devices and getting cut or maimed seemed more award worthy.

Seems everything about he military is changing....I guess I got out right on time.
Born on the 4th of July is one of my favorite movies
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm shocked that closed head injuries WEREN'T eligible all along!!??
I agree with TTH. TBI can be some of the most devastating injuries around. Buckshot in the butt doesn't even come close to those injuries.
As a wounded Vietnam Veteran, I have mixed feelings about this.

I almost had the bottom part of one leg blowed off by a land mine, any body that has seen my legs at the shins take a second look. You will never see me in shorts in public. Any Lady Friends I see have to be forewarned that I am pretty scarred up. The Ladies have always been understanding.

A severe concusion is certainly as severe as other woulds, heck, it can cripple or kill you just like a wound would where a lot of blood is involved.

I saw a lot of Purple Hearts awarded in Vietnam for nothing. And I mean nothing. It was sort of the atmosphere we lived in, the war was so unpopular that they cheapened a lot of time tested traditions. Just look at that bozo John Kerry. What an insult to all of those that truly deserve a small bit of recognition for putting their life on the line.

I just hope that they don't start included "mental distress". Hell, we all went through crap that would make you wake up in a cold sweat for the rest of your life.

This might be a generational thing. At 64 years old, I probably do think different than some 25 year old that thinks a video game is the same thing as the real thing.
Wakeup's Avatar
We started getting tested for TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury both before and after deployments in 2005, the Army's taking it seriously.

That being said, if you get a Purple Heart for a concussion, you're a big fat pussy...

Like those pogues who get a Combat Action Badge for IDF landing 300 meters away in the FOB one day...big fat pussy...

P.S.-I told the doc to kiss my ass when he said he could put me in for one for the half inch long scar from a bullet richochet in the turret that I have in my left arm...
Hell I get a concussion rolling out of bed.............

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Really how much extra is it to us to buy chapstick, deo, and toiletries. Junk food. Just pick an item up every time you go to the grocery store and keep it in a box. Let your friends know and the box will fill up fast......Our Co-Op must send 2 giant boxes a month.....It's not hard, it's not expensive....Write letters of support and we even thrown in our naughty pics
TexTushHog's Avatar
Obviously when you have any rule, the question of where to draw the line is always in issue. An I don't think that most TBI cases that should qualify for a purple heart are mild concussions. But I'm representing a client now who was knocked off a steel beam 12 feet off the ground and lost his hard hat on the way down. Hit concrete, etc. No significant outward injury other than abrasions. But he was in the hospital 10 weeks with brain injuries in the immediate aftermath of the fall and no one disputes that he has very significant brain injuries. Medical bills are around $450,000. That the sort of TMI that I have in mind.
topsgt38801's Avatar
I find this hard to accept and it is lowering the standard of the award. If it is a verifiable brain injury associated with combat, I can concur. But we do not want to tarnish the image of the many who made greater sacrifices. The award of any military medal should have an extensive amount of research behind it and not cheapen the reason behind the award. There are too many who would and do abuse the system and that is with the stringent requirements already in place.

That is unless you are like John Kerry and get a scratch and put yourself in for a Purple Heart and receive it.

I only have 20 years of military service and I guess I am probably not qualified for the response I provided, but there are many who did deserve the award and did not receive it and some who refused to accept it.

My son in law after his second tour in Iraq came back with PTSD. Is this related to combat, yes it is, but is it deserving of a Purple Heart, no it is not and he agrees with me.

"And that is all I have to say about that" ( Per Forrest Gump)

Mature Companion's Avatar
I understand that some may not like this new change. But may I ask why only those with visible combat wounds should be honored with said medal or just honored period. But yet those whom also served in combat and also suffered wounds of a non-visible nature, shouldn't be?
Non-visible wounds are just as severe as visible wounds.

I see both sides on a daily basis, of what those in combat go through. Both physically & mentally. And I feel that any man or woman who's been wounded in combat, while serving our Country, no matter the wound. Should be honored just the same.

I'm prior military...and I think this addition isn't good. Has too much of a tendency to be abuse and I have seen it personally.

I've also seen instances where people were so gung ho about trying to receive a purple heart they would squueeze their hand on a piece of glass or scrapnel just to gain one through the laceration or burn on the skin.

I liked the old way better, it can now be abused now to a certain extent.....although there are situations where it can be helpful, people getting hit by improvised explosive devices and getting cut or maimed seemed more award worthy.

Seems everything about he military is changing....I guess I got out right on time. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think they should have 2 separate medals if they are going to do that.... What about the guys that have visible scars from a wound and mental wounds combined??
topsgt38801's Avatar
I understand that some may not like this new change. But may I ask why only those with visible combat wounds should be honored with said medal or just honored period. But yet those whom also served in combat and also suffered wounds of a non-visible nature, shouldn't be?
Non-visible wounds are just as severe as visible wounds.

I see both sides on a daily basis, of what those in combat go through. Both physically & mentally. And I feel that any man or woman who's been wounded in combat, while serving our Country, no matter the wound. Should be honored just the same. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I can appreciate your stance on this and I know most intentions of everyone here are only meant to be positive, but until you have lived the life and seen what really goes with the honor and respect due these awards, I am not sure I am capable of explaining it. I am not lowering the service level of heroism of anyone who has served, been mentally or physically injured or both, but even with a college degree, I cannot find the true words to express my feelings on who should be eligible for these awards.

Every service member and their family makes a great sacrifice for the service of their country. We may also have political feelings about how things are run or the way politicians function in our country, but in the military when on active duty, you are there at the service of your country and the wishes of the civilian government and your political views are to be kept to yourself.

These awards and decorations are so precious and must be kept on an extremely high level of accountability and honor.

Every service member I have served with and been around is a hero in my eyes and and all are deserving of a medal, but the awards are such a high standard that great care must be exercised in being awarded so as not to devalue the award.

I have rambled extensivly on this subject and still cannot fully express how the awarding of the Purple Heart has such a great and special meaning. I will leave that for smarter folks than I am to determine.
