Missed the mark by $547,000,000.00....per day!

Marcus78's Avatar
So a new report has shown that B.O. (Barack Obama, but I think B.O. suits his style more) has miscalculated the budget by over $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion) over the next ten years. Actually, its closer to $2.3T, but what's an extra $300 Billion anyways? $2T over ten years comes out about $547M per day, every day, for the next 10 years. That means it will cost every American (taxpayers and non-payers alike) about $650 per year, or $6,500.00 over the next ten years. Only include those who actually pay taxes, and the number will be MUCH higher.

How the hell are we supposed to have fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets (a fairy tale, but a tale being told to us nonetheless) when we can't even count correctly in the first place?!?!? Can we please make basic math and arithmetic a prerequisite before entering congress? Throwing in an ethics requirement couldn't hurt either.