Trump should toss paper towels

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
That’s about the help we will get from this six time bankrupt and failed casino owner and TV con man who inspired the failure of Trump University.

Now this worse than useless FAKE President says he’s not to blame for the COVID crisis.
It wasn’t too long ago that El Douche said it would all be over by April when the warm weather sets in. Even then they’d be just a few cases and everything will be OK.
He’s LIED his head off at every point.
He’s given out false information because he’s more bothered about getting re-elected than helping folks with this pandemic.
Trump is not a fan of listening to the experts who have no idea what to do with this clown in chief.

Trump is more interested by what’s going on with the markets than the crisis.
It’s been widely reported ( not by fake Fox News ) that he’s intentionally witheld testing kits which have been distributed by the millions by the WHO and used all over the world.

Instead Trump has privatized the process and given the contract to 2 of his buddy companies so they can make fat profits.
He’s lied about the vaccine saying it will be out in a couple of months. Up to 18 mths more like. Even then you can bet most of us will be priced out of the market because of the greedy big Pharma

Now on top of that he’s stated he’s taking NO responsibility for the failures that he’s created in the first place.
Bottom line is he couldn’t care less if any of us lives or dies.

Not his problem. But I’m sure he will blame Hillary, Obama, Congress, the media, Bernie, The Bidens, Italy, China or anyone that gets in his cross hairs.
The one he won’t blame is his mentor and confidante Vlad the Cad, his personal banker. Modern day Roy Cohn. The great Putin who’s laughing his head off.
Worse than useless.
Oh but wait...he’s got Kushner to the rescue.. yeah i bet he’s full of it too.

Toss some paper towels our way Donnie...maybe that will help.
bambino's Avatar
^^ CUNT^^
HoeHummer's Avatar

^^MORBIDLY OBESE CUNT^^ Originally Posted by bambino
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If that lie you told has been put out by several media outlets (but not Fox news) why don't you name them.
HoeHummer's Avatar
If that lie you told has been put out by several media outlets (but not Fox news) why don't you name them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
What lie? That Peggy Sue is a fat piece of shits?

That’s no lie! Have another drink, barlayporn!

If that lie you told has been put out by several media outlets (but not Fox news) why don't you name them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I was going to ask the same thing. It's random hyperbole being spread by the ignorant left.

What's the death toll in the US so far? Appropriate action has been taken since day 1 and the left continues with DemPanic mode.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wow, I’d hate to live with that rage. The political left is joyless, in a constant state of seething anger about one thing or another.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
^^ CUNT^^ Originally Posted by bambino

The BamBimbo strikes again..
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Wow, I’d hate to live with that rage. The political left is joyless, in a constant state of seething anger about one thing or another. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Rage? Hmmmm
Now who’s been hysterical now.
I’m just quoting the facts ....don’t like it..Tough
I think it’s you lot that needs help
I’m not the sucker that’s been played by the a Trump Crime Family. And their lies.
But all I know that even Lou Dobbs is getting pretty angry with the lack of transparency.
Oh and joyless? Have you ever seen Don the Con laugh or even conjure up a smile ?
He’s a miserable old fart 24/7 But he gives me plenty of laughs with his absurd attempts at sounding plausible when garbage falls out of his putrid mouth.
Poor soul......he just can’t help it’s
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He could buy out a production run of Helleries book and pass that out as toilet paper
matchingmole's Avatar
Wow, I’d hate to live with that rage. The political left is joyless, in a constant state of seething anger about one thing or another. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
TDS is pretty strong in BWK and HH.

obviously, there's no help for them.