Still Looking's Avatar
Ok first of all I just wanted to try my hand at creating a threAD title as long as Whispers. I know I fell short but what the heck.

Agencies....for the record, I have NOTHING against agencies. I truly believe there is a place for them. Many a provider is very challenged by the TCB part of the industry. In that case scheduling, screening and marketing on behalf of the agency, is a happy marriage between provider and the agency. For this they should be compensated. Same goes for these so called bookers or assistants.

Now we have legitimate agencies that follow this model. Then there are others that do NOT! When an agency places ADS for providers in the Welcome Section as INDY, I think that’s deceitful and BULLSHIT! It's unfair to the legitimate agencies, to hobbyists and other providers as well. I have brought this to the attention to the powers to be and even started a National threAD addressing this very issue. Apparently it doesn't break any rules when they do this. I for one say it’s WRONG, rule or no rule! That threAD has got about as much attention as a penis with a full blown herpes infection.

When I look for a provider, I want to deal with a provider. I want to know what her rules and expectations are and follow them so we have a great time together. I also have my own rules and expectations and would like them met. Pretty difficult to accomplish when you’re NOT communicating with the provider. The last thing I need or want is some ass wipe (Male or Female) PM'ing me requesting I edit my review. I don't want people I never meet to collect information about me. And I certainly don't want to be threatened or outed by someone I had no dealings with. As I look back at the landscape of my hobby career, in most EVERY case I have had difficulties was when a PIMP or agency was involved.

Just my thoughts....
I'm sure you've considered this suggestion,if PMed to edit a review,politely tell them to F*CK OFF! I know you know the results possible in doing so,but you're still alive and kicking,I say stay true to yourself. Keep causing those Pimps problems. LOL
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 08:59 AM
I don't want people I never meet to collect information about me. And I certainly don't want to be threatened or outed by someone I had no dealings with. Originally Posted by Still Looking
They ONLY information anyone can collect on you is what you give out. If you are concerned that you are not talking to the provider in question CALL THEM, if they don't pick up or call back on the same line, DON'T book, problem solved.
Really? How about your practice of taking down license plate numbers?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 09:09 AM
The only risk I see is YOU giving people ideas (taking down license plate numbers) those ideas may fall into the wrong hands someday and they will have you to thank. We all accept the risks involved in this hobby we don't need you making assumptions and giving people ideas that could potentially harm others. If you have an actual account of an OUTING post it! I read that SL was outed if this is the case, post the details so everyone can make an educated decision on how to avoid it.
The solution is incredibly easy,STAY AWAY from Marco and anyone associated with him. PROBLEM SOLVED!
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 09:28 AM
When you make assumptions without any evidence you bring harm to the girls and that is really fuct-up. Keep your beef with Marco and leave the girls out of it. Let's try this assumption...It's interesting that your hommie mentions talking with EBR the other day EBR being the same guy whose girl was stolen by Marco and now Marco becomes you and hommies ultimate nemesis. It makes sense now as to why you make up all kinds of lies and assumptions.

I as well as many others used the MINT service (problem and drama-free) for many years. I agree that Marco tends to baby the girls a little too much and does things his way and only his way but, whatever. I was able to see legends like Ava, Aerial, Mallory, Mia Moore, Taylor, etc etc. just to reminese on just a few the list goes on and on. But, heart broken or not, I will continue to call you and your hommies out on your lies and assumptions so pick your words wisely.

If any of your allegations were true don't you think that others besides you and your hommies would have chimed in to back up your claims? Are you really that bitter EBR? I seem to have hit a nerve with that Neko story huh? It was pretty obvious by your posting tone after. I am sorry, really I am, I had no idea it was you. If you would post under your real handle I might have spared you those details.
Well kSnooze nice try but lots of people know me,and know even when using a different handle. Because they see me face to face on several different occaisions. I don't hide who I am,and don't hide behind a handle,I'm always me.
Don't know EBR and don't care(no offense EBR you know what I mean). You really shouldn't have been such a coward and came to see homer and I friday night,then you could have seen how much we hide.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 10:03 AM
nice try but lots of people know me,and know even when using a different handle. Originally Posted by rocketride
So you admit to using multiple handles. Whatever EBR, I said I was sorry. But I empathize with you.. to have you girl stolen by pimp Marco is not easy to swallow but, look on the bright side you claim him to be gay right?

So when you walked in on them and Neko was chanting "baby, we were just praying, we were just praying" it was probably nothing. Marco wasn't hitting that no way no how...
MARTlAN's Avatar
Great point SL, I also do not like communicating with representation, Im not saying I havent done it, I have, but I knew at the time I was talking to representation, what I hate is when I think Im in contact with a lady and I find out later it was someonet else I was talking to.
So you admit to using multiple handles. Originally Posted by kSoze
Well DUUUHHHHHH! You already claimed knowledge of the meltdown of DH. I've changed handles 3 times,no secret to anyone. You have problems keeping up with yourself,SAD?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 10:26 AM
Well DUUUHHHHHH! You already claimed knowledge of the meltdown of DH. I've changed handles 3 times,no secret to anyone. You have problems keeping up with yourself,SAD? Originally Posted by rocketride
As I told you then, I was making assumptions just guessing really. Glad to know my assumptions about you are DEAD on. So, then to clarify EastBayRay, then DieHard, and now rocketride. I got it, thanks.

Great point SL, I also do not like communicating with representation, Im not saying I havent done it, I have, but I knew at the time I was talking to representation, what I hate is when I think Im in contact with a lady and I find out later it was someonet else I was talking to. Originally Posted by Martianman
When txting, you always run this risk and will NEVER know for sure, a better option is to call and ensure you have the girl your are seeking on the line. If you are more comfortable txting then be willing to accept this possibility.


And shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, saute,saute, SISSONNE. Now pivot. Tap, Tap,Tap turn and split!! Jump up, sway back...Booty Bounce, Booty Bounce. And Sashay Away.....

Don't mind me. I just figured the same old threads needed a little intermission since no one really wanted to use their pent up aggression and backed up (you know what) a positive way. Like my Dance-Off!!! No worries. Proceed....
P411: P102480

**Miami Oct.25th-29th**
Oh, Still got SERVED buddy.
As I told you then, I was making assumptions just guessing really. Glad to know my assumptions about you are DEAD on. So, then to clarify EastBayRay, then DieHard, and now rocketride. I got it, thanks. Originally Posted by kSoze
Keep up ole slow one, rockerrick DIE HARD rocketride!