My Daughter's Friend is a Provider...and What a Provider!

Poet Laureate's Avatar
I'll be traveling soon to visit with my 20-something daughter and meet her new fiance'. Because I expect to be gone a couple weeks I've been looking at some of the local providers, and imagine my shock when I ran across a woman that I know, I definitely am positive, is one of my daughter's best friends. I read some of her reviews, and she is apparently very skilled and in demand.
When I first met the young lady she was 15. I thought she was adorable then, but not being a pervert I never let my thoughts go beyond that. Now, though, this girl is honest-to-God beautiful with a stunning body, and she's well into her 20s. So...knowing that she'll recognize me because of all the time she spent with my daughter when they were teens, should I or shouldn't I? And if I do, and my daughter finds out, how to handle that? I guess the biggest issue is whether or not my daughter knows what the young lady does for a living, and I don't have a clue. I should add that the little girl had something of a crush on me for a couple years, not uncommon among teen girls and their friends' dads, so there is no doubt in my mind that if I call her, she'll see me. Thoughts?
Find another! Not worth the repercussion if your daughter finds out.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
I would say you have a greater than 95% chance of regretting it. But, depending on whether you are a gambling man and like 1:20 odds, the decision is yours.
  • GBN94
  • 10-15-2012, 09:15 PM
Sure, go right ahead.

Risk alienating your daughter and jeopardizing that relationship for a quick lay. It sounds like a totally good idea. I am sure there aren't other providers who fit the same physical profile near you that could scratch the same itch... so yeah totally go do it.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 09:16 PM
I agree with RR, WOW!, this can't be... Yes Chicago K9, as tempting as that may seem, Find another!
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Let me play devil's advocate: if my daughter doesn't know that June (not her provider name) is a provider, if June has been successful keeping that from her, then why would I think she would find out? Just asking.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
When a provider runs into a person they have known in civilian life, it could be somewhat of a traumatic event. Especially if that person in their life was an authority figure. Tread lightly here. If you decide to go through with it, I would somehow forewarn her. The shock of opening the door and seeing her best friend's Dad might freak her out a bit. It would be interesting to see one of the ladies take on this.
  • Paven
  • 10-15-2012, 10:00 PM
Think with the big head man!

There are a plethora of ladies out there for you to choose from, you need to pass.

I will give you a thumbs up for your Bela Lugosi Dracula avatar though .
  • Paven
  • 10-15-2012, 10:02 PM
When a provider runs into a person they have known in civilian life, it could be somewhat of a traumatic event. Especially if that person in their life was an authority figure. Tread lightly here. If you decide to go through with it, I would somehow forewarn her. The shock of opening the door and seeing her best friend's Dad might freak her out a bit. It would be interesting to see one of the ladies take on this. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
All sorts of wrong could occur from this. I know that I would be freaked out if one of my friends dads showed up at my door .
Britttany_love's Avatar
I agree with Risn. It could be very traumatic or awkward to open the door and it be someone you know well. I dont think its a good idea I would probably be embarrassed and a little crushed if i opened the door to find a good friends dad there...Arent you worried about what could happen if your daughter found out? That in itself could possibly ruin not only your daughter and her best friends relationship but yalls as well. I say be careful in the end its your decision but lots to lose for some ass.
sixxbach's Avatar
Are you really that stupid?

Maybe your daughter's friend wouldn't see you. It's quite possible that she might value her relationship with your daughter more than you apparently value with your daughter.

Nice deflection... ijs

kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 10:28 PM
Are you really that stupid? Originally Posted by sixxbach
sixxbach, even if you do NOT agree, is it that hard for you to be respectful. This is clearly a case of General Disrespect of another Member.

Chicago K9, here is something you may not have considered and with all due respect. How can you be 100% certain that your daughter does NOT know. She may in fact help (provider x) even worse you may find out things you did NOT want about your own daughter. Young girls like to talk about things, it will eventually come out. Is it really worth it?
sixxbach's Avatar
Even if you do NOT agree, is it that hard for you to be respectful. This is clearly a case of General Disrespect of another Member. Originally Posted by kSoze
KSoze... I respect who the hell I want.

Others are thinking the same thing, I am simply being less tactful. Why don't you whine like the bitch you are and RTM this while you are at it?

kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-15-2012, 10:37 PM
Why don't you whine like the bitch you are and RTM this while you are at it? Originally Posted by sixxbach
Name calling? I won't stoop to your level, get a life.
sixxbach's Avatar
Name calling? I won't stoop to your level, get a life. Originally Posted by kSoze

I don't know if you should be talking about getting a life. You have been on this board pretty hardcore at all times of the day. I haven't posted as much in the last few months. Take your own advice while you hide under this "new" handle.
