Ladies what is your cover-up?

Guest102312's Avatar
I was always curious as to what everyone else told their family/friends/SO,etc that they did for a living.

I know I have only 1 friend who knows exactly what I do that is non-hobby related. But everyone else I have the elabrate story that I tell (which I hate lying because I'm a real honest person....I guess to some degree).

What do you all tell your loved ones?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Veiled truth sorta ..... that i'm in customer service and work from my computer.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-16-2012, 01:50 PM
I'm a secret agent working for the Government and cannot disclose any further information.. that's what I usually tell acquaintances and friends whom I'm not close with.

Honestly, close friends, who are about 3 in total know what I actually do, and my family knows what I do, which by family is my mother, rest of my family is gone. My mom doesn't like it, but "as long as I'm safe and I enjoy what I do" she is fully supportive about the whole thing.
Well Peach, you do work undercovers.

PSW1995's Avatar
Medical equipment sales. I only had one person ask which company to which I reply, I am not here to talk about work. lol
HELL YES 76's Avatar
A provider once told me she tell her friends and family she works for a Temp Agencey. That she's always working odd hours doing clerical job here and there around Austin.
knotty man's Avatar
i tell everyone i work for a vet ,doing animal inseminations.
that way if they find any used condoms or check my underwear for pre cum....i got a built in alibi!!
If you're inseminating animals Knotty,why the condom? And why pre cum,wouldn't it be after dribble?
Britttany_love's Avatar
I own a small business and also bartend so this isn't a main source of income for me. My close family knows what I do so I never have had to hide the hobby.
DallasRain's Avatar
I tell friends I do small business consulting and that is why i travel so many check on my accounts

My kids and a few family members know the truth..but my good old bible thumping Baptist momma would die if she knew the truth!
So how many do you think believe the covers? I hear lots of them and think yeah right!
Ive heard Journalist,Counselor,Secretary to political figure,yada yada yada. I think most times it's just to give an illusion of low volume. Do they work better on those close to you?
DallasRain's Avatar
mine seems to work...after all I am a little older than most gals here -- so not many people would believe I was a provider{even though I still look}
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 10-16-2012, 07:49 PM
My cover? I'm a male escort.
My cover? I'm a male escort. Originally Posted by Sire
BBbbbaaaaaa HHhaaaaa!
Sire I'm laughing for an entirely different reason. Your new sig almost made me piss my pants!