Pimp or Agency? or Marco hmmm you decide!


To me there is no difference in a booking agent and a pimp! When you call or email a girl you should be talking to her not someone else if she is a truly independent provider!

Very interesting they have a P 411 account hmmmm?

Here is a link to another similar thread:


So are they already providers on the board? With an additional handle?
how is it that providers who say they're independent BS! And have pictures and rates listed with agencies/pimps?
is that not the same thing as having 2 handles?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 09:09 AM
Are these assumptions or do you have actual facts? As you claim to do before talking shit? Just because the homies will NOT allow you to take referrals does not mean everyone else has to be so naive and if you are as busy as you claim then what is the issue? Independent (that's what the word means) You are free (well most) to make your own rules. You are your own BOSS!

Who convinced you that you are worth any less than the Agency girls and why do you believe it?
You are 100% independent RIGHT? You DO get to make your own rules and run your business how you see fit RIGHT?

You have great reviews and are no doubt an Absolute beauty so why the low rates?

Just asking...hmmmm?
Are these assumptions or do you have actual facts? As you claim to do before talking shit? Just because the homies will NOT allow you to take referrals does not mean everyone else has to be so naive and if you are as busy as you claim them what is the issue? Independent providers are free (well most) to do as they please let them be.

Who convinced you that you are worth any less than the Agency girls and why do you believe it?
You are 100% independent RIGHT? You DO get to make your own rules and run your business how you see fit RIGHT?
You are no doubt an Absolute beauty so why the low rates? Just asking...hmmmm? Originally Posted by kSoze

I do this for fun more than money lol
I have a problem with agencies booking agents & pimps because it is double posting and double handles but the same exact girl! The rules say that is forbidden ..... furthermore you cannot be independent if someone else is booking your calls a truly independent girl has enough common sense and brains to that for herself! Are these girls so desperate they have to have double ads really wow or is it so when they get in trouble on the board or have several no reviews they can run back to the pimp and still have business!
First and foremost, I am a little tired of unfounded attacks on members here. If you believe that someone is violating one of the Guidelines as set forth by the Owners, then RTM the post or PM or send a Mod a PM and we will look into the situation, but open attacks on members are to cease. We (Staff) try to let you all be adults and discuss interesting topics openly, but lately if someone new comes along they seem to be fair game for any and all types of accusations, associations, and all manner of dastardly deeds either real or imagined.

Now to answer the question, pimp, agency, or Marco? Discreet Elite is certainly not Marco (as I am personally familiar with this person). Pimp is all according to each person's individual definition of Pimp. If I tell a fellow hobbyest about this really awesome provider and encourage him to try her out, am I a Pimp? If a provider tells one of her regulars what a great new doubles partner she has and that he should try her in the mix, is she a Pimp? Or is a Pimp only someone who takes a lady's money and mistreats her? There are several ladies here that have booked for other ladies, but they aren't accused of being Pimps so why suddenly is every new face (handle) that comes along Marco??????

Now as to our Guidelines. the following applies to the issue with girls having an Indy profile and working with an Agency as well:
Girls who are part of an Agency or group of girls that work together under the same umbrella are welcome to have their own account on ECCIE with the same forum access that any other verified provider on the site enjoys, however, special circumstances apply with regard to your ad posting guidelines. It's simple. If the Agency has a username on ECCIE, then you will need to choose whether you are advertised as part of the weekly Agency ad, or whether you will be posting your own ad each week. It will need to be one or the other, and not both. Agencies may post 1 weekly ad in 5 cities which include details, info, and pics for ALL of their girls, however if one or more of the girls associated with the organization have their own account here and use it to advertise in the ad posting forums, then please exclude the mention of them from your weekly advertisement.

In order for an Agency to post for a lady they must have Staff permission and Agencies go through a similar vetting process as providers as covered by the following:
Some verified providers may have a "helper" This is defined as someone who you are allowing to access your account to post your ad on a weekly basis. This is fine at ECCIE Worldwide, however we do require that you request approval from staff prior to allowing someone this access. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis. In any case where you request a male member to assist you with your ad, conditional approval may be given and your settings/usergroup adjusted to disable access to the female-only forums. This is especially important, since you would be placing your account access in jeopardy by allowing another party to access your account without prior staff approval.

In this case, Discreet Elite has asked for and received all of the necessary permissions to operate here on ECCIE. As such they also deserve the protections offerred by our posting Guidelines from baseless, and totally unjustified attacks such as this one.

Further attacks that are conducted on the open board will be met with sanctions. All should consider themselves warned.

kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 09:31 AM
I do this for fun more than money lol Originally Posted by Absolutely
LOL is the appropriate response, this I have to hear...Explain.

I have a problem with agencies booking agents & pimps because it is double posting and double handles but the same exact girl! The rules say that is forbidden Originally Posted by Absolutely
Why do you have a problem with this? And what rules say it is forbidden to be independent and take referrals?

furthermore you cannot be independent if someone else is booking your calls a truly independent girl has enough common sense and brains to that for herself! Originally Posted by Absolutely
Who is feeding you this bullshit? Thank you space for the clarification.
Girls have agencies and book for them someone has to do for them what they cannot do for themselves!

Women, because of their colonial relationship to men, have to fight for their own independence. This fight for our own independence will lead to the growth and development of the revolutionary movement in this country. Only the independent woman can be truly effective in the larger revolutionary struggle. -

And I understand where you 2 are coming from someone must stand up for the women that are not independent or capable of booking their own appointments!

I gave my opinion I'm out of it now !
My bills are always paid by my lawyer ( my dead grandfather's wishes )through my account fyi and I work because I enjoy what I do and because w the EXXTRA money I love to go shopping!

I was just looking for opinions does anyone who's independent have an opinion? Anyway my class is starting in 5 minutes everyone have a great day !
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 10:04 AM
I do this for fun more than money lol Originally Posted by Absolutely
You conveniently skipped over this don't kid yourself darling, think before you type we all know better than that.

Show your independence by:

1. NOT accepting less than you deserve and or are worth.
2. NOT letting others tell you how to run your business.
3. NOT letting others tell what you can and can NOT do.
4. NOT letting others think for you and ask you to support things you do NOT believe in.
You conveniently skipped over your claim of "I do this for fun more than money lol" don't kid yourself darling, think before you type we all know better than that. Originally Posted by kSoze
You evidently don't know me lmfao because I'm not kidding myself
! However the hobbiest who do know me know the truth I'm not going to argue with you because you're really not worth my time. But evidently no matter what I post I'm so worth all of yours!
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 10:14 AM
You evidently don't know me lmfao because I'm not kidding myself Originally Posted by Absolutely
If you are fucking for free then why do you care so much about what providers that fuck for money are doing. Because obviously you ARE kidding yourself.
I'm not going to argue with you because you're really not worth my time. But evidently no matter what I post I'm so worth all of yours! Originally Posted by Absolutely
Yet you start an assumption thread...one that was disproved by Space and thank GOD cause had it been anyone else your ignorant responses would have continued and probably encouraged your homies to add their own ignorant responses as well.
I have Absolutely no beef with you but, if you roll with the homies, you are sure to get caught in the crossfire. Originally Posted by kSoze
As I've already told you, I'll be calling you and your homies out on assumptions and ignorant responses so choose your words wisely.
missi hart's Avatar
i’m independent. i completely disagree that booking agents are pimps. i have no problem with those that choose to be solely independent, those who are independent but choose to use a booking agent, or those that want to be part of an agency. i also think it is incorrect to call agency owners pimps.

i do have a problem with real pimps---the ones who are violent and coercive and have no respect and consideration for women. and to me, the lowest of lows are human traffickers. i believe prostitution should be legalized, but i would want true pimps and human traffickers to be targeted and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. i know this is truly idealistic, but rather than seeing public funds going to combat safe and consensual prostitution, i wish those funds could be used to target and eradicate true pimps and human traffickers.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 10:54 AM
i’m independent. i completely disagree that booking agents are pimps. i have no problem with those that choose to be solely independent, those who are independent but choose to use a booking agent, or those that want to be part of an agency. i also think it is incorrect to call agency owners pimps. Originally Posted by missi hart
Its nice when adults can discuss things in an intellectual way. People make arguments, information is shared, everyone learns something.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 10-18-2012, 11:16 AM
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-18-2012, 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sire
A lot of things the OP says is Absolutely boring, I agree.
Little Monster's Avatar
A lot of things the OP says is Absolutely boring, I agree. Originally Posted by kSoze
You betta stop dat shit!!!
Imperius's Avatar
This thread should read...pimps, agencies, or independents.

Personally I wouldn't spend a dime on a girl that has a pimp.
Agencies have their own good and bads. (I know several Agencies that are top notch)
and I know girls on eccie that lists themselves as independents who are actually being pimped.
and yes the girls answer their own phone, pimps do not answer the girls phone.

A telltale sign of someone being actively pimped is someone who use to charge 200-250/hr has suddenly dropped to 100 quickies or lower. (since being pimped out means the girl has a quota)
(usually minimum of 800-1000/day)
And or someone who posts on eccie and posts on backpage daily....3-5 times a day.

I am not generalizing but it is a pattern hobbiests should watch for.

the moral of my post is ...You never know who you are getting these days... but its more likely a independent is being pimped rather than a agency.
(remember agency takes a cut 30-50%....while the pimp has control over the person and keeps all her money)

Do your research.... read reviews.(not just on eccie)... use your big head before the little head takes over and make a informed decision.

And sometimes if you can't decide....Just go to fapdu.com and its free ...... (not affiliated with fapdu) ---LOL---

I think eccie should in the future have 3 categories....Independent, Agency, or Pimped.