This is not about guns. This is about ammunition...

I'll just say this progressive Democrat is retarded (is that redundant?) and leave it at that:

Want to buy ammo? You have to take an anger management class first. And then again every ten years.

Key quote:
“This is not about guns," Gibson said. "This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement.”
Hey, if it's about ammo, not guns, then I guess there are no 2nd Amendment gun control problems, right?

It is PRESUMED you have anger issues. Got that? Even if you are buying replacement ammo for your target practice hobby.
I'll just say this progressive Democrat is retarded (is that redundant?) and leave it at that:

Want to buy ammo? You have to take an anger management class first. And then again every ten years.

Key quote:

“This is not about guns," Gibson said. "This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement.”

Hey, it it's about ammo, not guns, then I guess there are no 2nd Amendment gun control problems, right?

It is PRESUMED you have anger issues. Got that? Even if you are buying replacement ammo for your target practice hobby. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I'll just say this progressive Democrat is retarded (is that redundant?) and leave it at that:

Want to buy ammo? You have to take an anger management class first. And then again every ten years.

Key quote:
“This is not about guns," Gibson said. "This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement.”
Hey, if it's about ammo, not guns, then I guess there are no 2nd Amendment gun control problems, right?

It is PRESUMED you have anger issues. Got that? Even if you are buying replacement ammo for your target practice hobby. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Thats enough to piss me off right there.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-07-2013, 12:55 PM
thats pretty fucked up ... what about cops and everyone in LE with anger management problems?

yep x 2
thats pretty fucked up ... what about cops and everyone in LE with anger management problems?

yep x 2 Originally Posted by CJ7
Well Police Depts have the means to monitor their own. If it is evident that an Officer is having emotional issues. If his issues warrant taking his duty weapon he/she is given a desk assignment while going through anger management therapy. Can't do that with civilians. They'll just be denyed the purchase of a firearm and or ammo. Of course if an officer has firearms at his residence not issued by the Dept. they won't retrieve those. Our 2nd Amendment rights are slowly being compromised not by force but by stealth.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, notwithstanding ExNYer's hardy-de-har-har "witty" remark, anger management classes may be a bit much and assumes a biased position worthy of most Teawipetards. But, I wouldn't have a problem with a gun safety course every five years that also included portions of the concealed carry class dealing with legal issues involved in what a world of shit descends when you shoot someone. I know, it's not as big of a world of shit if you get hurt or killed not defending yourself - everyone knows that, so let's not get off on that stupid-ass tangent.

Several professions, including teachers as well as lawyers and more, require continuing education on a yearly basis in order to keep certifications. And, given how some of these freaking soccer moms and other yay-whoooos drive around the DFW Metroplex, I'd have to say a drivers' ed/safety course every few years wouldn't hurt, either.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I went to Cabelas today. There were a couple of empty shelves for weapons and lots of empty shelves for ammunition. FYI, our local maker of ammunition for the government Lake City Munitions is laying people off for some reason. Anyway, I had a thought a couple of weeks ago that is bearing fruit. Only some ammunition is hard to get; .223, .38, .357, 9 mm, .45 ACP, .308, etc. My idea is to buy a new rifle in a caliber that no one seems to own. Ammunition is plentiful for .243, .35 Roberts, 7 mm, .338, 7 mm-08. There is also a shortage on reloading brass in the above calibers.
I went to Cabelas today. There were a couple of empty shelves for weapons and lots of empty shelves for ammunition. FYI, our local maker of ammunition for the government Lake City Munitions is laying people off for some reason. Anyway, I had a thought a couple of weeks ago that is bearing fruit. Only some ammunition is hard to get; .223, .38, .357, 9 mm, .45 ACP, .308, etc. My idea is to buy a new rifle in a caliber that no one seems to own. Ammunition is plentiful for .243, .35 Roberts, 7 mm, .338, 7 mm-08. There is also a shortage on reloading brass in the above calibers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why would you want to buy a rifle in an unpopular caliber?

True, commonly used ammunition may at this time be in short supply, but that's not generally the case. And even more to the point, if there are prolonged ammunition shortages, the lowest priority for producers and distributors will be fulfilling the limited future demand from users of weapons that chamber those unpopular calibers. Once dealers sell out of the less common ammo, it may become harder and harder to find it.

You need to consider availabilty of ammo over the long haul. In virtually every industry, producers and distributors go where the numbers are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well the price of .338 doesn't seem to be changing as much. It is also a potent round and not that unusual. So today, and tomorrow you can get ammo. It is also cheaper than 7 mm Weatherby rounds.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Shhhhhh! CaptainMidnight, don't give ol' Corneyhole any ideas. He's such a brilliant thinker, let him figure it out for himself. I'm sure it will work out for him like his "thoughts" work out for us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-08-2013, 02:41 PM
typical tea party logic ... buy a gun I cant get ammo for so I can bitch about the government hoarding ammo ..
chefnerd's Avatar
FYI, our local maker of ammunition for the government Lake City Munitions is laying people off for some reason. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's called factory modernization. With the upgrades to the factory, they require less people to produce the same amount of product. Kind of like what has been happening all through the manufacturing environment in the US over the last couple of decades or so.
Roothead's Avatar
the crazys need to get even crazier ideas, just to get some press and to show the folks back home that he/she is out there working for them.....politicians these days are nothing more than ugly reality show cast members - doing what they can to stay relevant
If Lake City is laying people off, it has to be because of the sequester. Wow. You got a cite JD? That's crazy. Aren't they the primary government ammunition plant?

I went to Cabelas today. There were a couple of empty shelves for weapons and lots of empty shelves for ammunition. FYI, our local maker of ammunition for the government Lake City Munitions is laying people off for some reason. Anyway, I had a thought a couple of weeks ago that is bearing fruit. Only some ammunition is hard to get; .223, .38, .357, 9 mm, .45 ACP, .308, etc. My idea is to buy a new rifle in a caliber that no one seems to own. Ammunition is plentiful for .243, .35 Roberts, 7 mm, .338, 7 mm-08. There is also a shortage on reloading brass in the above calibers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
chefnerd's Avatar
If Lake City is laying people off, it has to be because of the sequester. Wow. You got a cite JD? That's crazy. Aren't they the primary government ammunition plant? Originally Posted by timpage
Tim, I just addressed the issue previously. Factory modernization. See my previous post and maybe read one of the articles. Nothing to do with the sequester.

Guess I missed the sarcasm tag.