Over paid

All these cock suckers are over payed

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...equester-woes/ Originally Posted by gary5912
That would be "paid".
That would be "paid". Originally Posted by ExNYer
its a good thing there are people like you in this world
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You would think they would work for a pittance since they are there to "serve".....and get a cushy job after they move on
All these cock suckers are over paid

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...equester-woes/ Originally Posted by gary5912
Yup way over PAID and thanks Gary for not voting for Obarky.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's amazing that POTUS was reelected with so MANY of you guys out there beating the drum for Mittens!
chefnerd's Avatar
Is there any such thing as an underpaid consultant? Having worked with a lot of IT consultants, I don't think so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's amazing that POTUS was reelected with so MANY of you guys out there beating the drum for Mittens! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Some of us didn't vote for either. Still, Obama is not a majority President.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are wrong. He did have a majority of the vote and a landslide in the Electoral College. He won. YOU lost. Quit whining like a little girl and get over it already!

Besides if there was 100% turnout, you'd be crying that people were being forced to vote and their right to stay home was being trampled.

Maybe next time you will do a better job participating and getting out the vote Whiny!

Meanwhile, can you post that again? With bigger letters? You know, like you're having a tantrum in the super market?

Or you've painted yourself into another corner!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I think that too many unqualified people like Whatzup are voting. I would reduce the voter rolls to veterans, active duty military, first responders, and people who can pass a test on American history and how our government works. Not even a test on critical thinking which would just crush most progressives unless you give them the answers ahead of time. Voting becomes much more important if you have to work for it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually I think that too many unqualified people like Whatzup are voting. I would reduce the voter rolls to veterans, active duty military, first responders, and people who can pass a test on American history and how our government works. Not even a test on critical thinking which would just crush most progressives unless you give them the answers ahead of time. Voting becomes much more important if you have to work for it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's the classic Republican play. if you can't win, suppress, suppress, suppress. Yeah, establish a caste system. Let just cops and firemen and volunteer soldiers vote. (Did you see Starship Troopers? I'm guessing recently). In other words, let the people whose livelihoods depend on following orders make the decisions.

What a dipshit!

You make so little sense, but considering how frustrating it must be to believe in Republicanism right now, it's not surprising.

You care more about my junk than you do about getting outnthenvote. Besides, it's doubtful you'd pass the test...to get either!

I guess this means you and Whiny are at loggerheads ... He wants 211 million voters to go to the polls so the president will receive a mandate and you want professional automatons. Maybe you two wing nuts need to figure which way you're going to swing. One thing is certain, though. You both have indicated you stand against freedom.

(Ok, we know which way YOU swing)
Some of us didn't vote for either. Still, Obama is not a majority President.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

theres somewhere around 22,000,000 government employees (local, state, and fed)

add in their spouses or significant others and children 18 or older still in the house and maybe you get close to 40+ million

with the 90% plus black vote

well there you have it, a cross section of america...so to speak ..and obama's constituency
Some of us didn't vote for either. Still, Obama is not a majority President.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Looks like Obi,and Mittens ran second and third behind Apathy ..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2013, 11:32 AM
Actually I think that too many unqualified people like Whatzup are voting. I would reduce the voter rolls to veterans, active duty military, first responders, and people who can pass a test on American history and how our government works. Not even a test on critical thinking which would just crush most progressives unless you give them the answers ahead of time. Voting becomes much more important if you have to work for it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

actually, I think spelling disaster should be the first question on the qualification exam ..
Actually I think that too many unqualified people like Whatzup are voting. I would reduce the voter rolls to veterans, active duty military, first responders, and people who can pass a test on American history and how our government works. Not even a test on critical thinking which would just crush most progressives unless you give them the answers ahead of time. Voting becomes much more important if you have to work for it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

it would be novel and is an interesting thought that for those who work for a government, they lose the ability to vote in any election affecting the make up of that government