NCNS.. Then expects...

Gentleman contacted me earlier in the day, and inquired about an hour session. HE set a time & then mentioned he only had a certain amout to play with. I told him that actually, that's my review special... The time frame he sat approached & still I heard nothing.. 2 other gents (not together) contacted me & wanted 2 play in the same time frame, as to not double book, i wasnt able to vist w/ them. So, the guy contacted me FINALLY, and said he could come. He arrives, i mentioned how long hed stay & asked about the donation. He says he only has 150. NORMALLY, thats the RS, BUT since he was late, originally ncns & i lost 2 potential clients- that wouldn't be possible. (If he'd have contacted me, & informed me of his possible tardiness, id have worked something out) So, he left..

I dont appreciate my time not being respected and I'm sure some of you don't either. Wasn't rude he wasn't disrespectful he just wasn't considerate of my time. Pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot, some of these fellas would want us to do the same.

